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  1. W

    FLIRT with Funnybebe78 aka Purrs!!

    Come here you little bird...let me flirt w/ ya!!! :naughty: :naughty: :naughty: :D
  2. W

    FLIRT with Funnybebe78 aka Purrs!!

    Re: Re: Re: FLIRT with Funnybebe78 aka Purrs!! :laugh2: good one javapride!!
  3. W

    Found this article...258

    258!!! especially as hohs, cuz I dont use voice phone often but would like to have one w/ more text paging then voice on cellphone or something like that, but make the plan cheaper too :)
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    attn: Eternity

    since I noticed no mention of the daughter's father, you're a single mom? or you do have a man? dont have to answer if you're not comfy, eternity :)
  5. W

    Who's HOH here and dont sign often?

    I am hoh and dont sign often cuz grew up w/ hearing people mostly but do like to chat w/ deafs and hohs but dont seems to be enough going around lately. I am curious if there's other like me here in AD:dunno:
  6. W


    thanks silencegold, made me feel more smarter now :laugh2:
  7. W

    Ask me!!

    Hello all, since Ive seen other telling other to ask about that person, so why not I? I've been posting and replying ask me about anything!!! :D
  8. W

    how to dispel rumors about relationship?

    OK I understand, thanks for the opinions, I will just ignore them, though they ask me again if it's true, cuz of my relationship w/ my exgf, we are just friend nothing more
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    it's all over but didn't remember what it mean I know it's something to do w/ signing, but thanks for the info guys and gals!
  10. W

    okay this time, ask me ANYTHING

    DOA3???? awesome!!! I played it before at my friend house but it's hard to find now, oh well...I heard that Tekken 4 is good too
  11. W

    how to dispel rumors about relationship?

    just wondering how do you in your opinion, dispel false rumors that many people think is true? cuz happened to me recently and tried to tell them but not quite get thru to their heads, before it gets out of hand? anyone?
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    might be a stupid question....what does 258 mean?? I heard of it but dont know the meaning?? I dont hang around deafies and HOhs very often, grew up w/ hearing people mainly
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    attn: Eternity

    your daughter's cute too
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    attn: Eternity

    yeah I agree, I couldn't get your avator out of my head either eternity LOL, it's really a cool avator :)
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    anybody who cares or wanna to know about me?

    aww nut you got a bf least you dont have to look anymore anyway....btw wonder what's your:booty: look like? :D
  16. W

    Anybody likes a Jalapeno Popper with cheese in it?

    OH yeah...Love em! love those jalapeno poppers, my fav finger food!! I also like other spicy foods! enjoy!!:naughty:
  17. W

    Hello all

    Thanks, ladies....enjoy!
  18. W

    Hello all

    it's ok kuifje, better late than never, thanks!
  19. W

    Hello all

    Thank you, weirdo and VamPyroX, I sure am enjoying it!
  20. W

    Hello all

    How'd you get the nickname 'cheekybaby'?