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  1. T

    Computer online Vs. TTY

    Exactly :naughty: best recommended for live relay is better than!! :)
  2. T

    Computer online Vs. TTY

    thats good point but I use both.. TTY and the computer.. I'm use computer for relay service if need to make contact long distance (no charge :naughty:) So I use TTY for relay service and contact with friends that who have TTY.. I have cable modem as well :)
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    Hearing Aids users

    Re: Re: Re: Re: I have cochlear implant heh well it's true that it bother me too much.. It cause me having bad headache and dizzy and drive me :crazy: because it feel like it's very loud noise in my brain even there is no hearing aid... it was like robot noise.. hate that! :(
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    Hearing Aids users

    Re: Re: I have cochlear implant Yep shhhh :D
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    Sign Language

    I have this experience before.. First, I was learn SEE through Regional Day School for the Deaf at hearing elementary school and the teacher of that school come over to my parent's house to teach my parents (of course my parents is hearing) the SEE. I realized that SEE is terrible sign language...
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    boyfriend or girlfriend

    :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
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    Sign Language

    I seconded and seconded ;)
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    New World Trade Center

    Sad news Yea yea.. but too late.. they can't build this kind of design because the other proposal has already decide and build.. the 1,776 feet building one.. :(
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    Logged on!

    here that her! Click this link.. u will know her.,10772,104904_1_profiles,00.html
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    Logged on!

    The ho with big boobs :crazy: :eek: :barf: :laugh2: :rofl:
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    Logged on!

    My name is Gregory but someone call me Greg.. the sign for my name is spell out :)
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    How do you become deaf?

    I become deaf when I was born. The doctor found out that my nerve inside my ear has been damaged after I was born....
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    I remember one day when I work at Burger King here and Taco Bell in Austin.. both boss order me to wash dishes not do the preparation the food. I wash the dishes almost everyday. Hearing barely didn't wash dishes. That's stupid! :(
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    Yeah I would sue Wal Mart. All I do is just ignore the boss what he said because it's really hurt being discriminated. Most of place here where I live is tough to find job. It's hard for me to look for the job in Dallas. I'm about an hour north of Dallas. Anyway.. the boss discriminate me...
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    I have experience being discriminated. When I tried to apply for the job at Wal Mart here.. I did success go to the interview but stupid asshole manager said, are you deaf? I told him yes that I'm deaf I can do everything except can't hear. He said really interesting.. But I'm sorry I can't hire...
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    Deaf and Dumb in the Koran Queran

    Thank you for bring up this post... Here in our holy bible- King James Version the Holy Bible that some of you who go to church, look up in Leviticus 19:14 said "Thou shalt NOT curse the deaf, nor put a stumblingblock before the blind, but shalt fear thy God: I am the LORD." What it mean is...
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    I went to the dentist..

    my tooth don't have.... I don't have NO cavities at all on my tooth. I'm 23 years old! Image that! All of my tooth are healthy. No cavities even I haven't brush my tooth (feel embarassed for say that with bad breath! heh)... I have 3 wisdom.. one on top and two on the bottom.. It's pain in the...
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    New World Trade Center

    How about... How about check out at I'm disappoint that LMDC (sp?) doesn't listen to that guy who invent this building. He've try everything he can to perusade with LMDC for that design of building. It seem like almost everybody interest in that design at :(
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    The Computer!

    Desktop: Gateway 633 MHz 50 GB Hard drive (1-40 GB for program, 1-10 for home network) 320 MB Memory 32 MB NVIDIA Video Card DVD-ROM External CD-RW External Zip Disk 100 MB Lexmark 32 Printer Microsoft Internet Pro Keyboard Logitech I-Feel Optical Mouse Logitech Webcam Laptop...
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    ISP (internet service)

    here cable modem. My laptop i'm use right now is connect to cable modem through wireless (I have wireless pc card and the wireless router that connect to cable modem) I can bring my laptop anywhere I want to and still connect without messy wires!! :)