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  1. sr171soars

    Cochlea America coming out with a new Processor?

    Good analogy about the piano keys. Given current technology, your explanation sounds reasonable. My idea of more discrete points was when we could stimulate more points without any crossover effects. When will that occur? Who knows? I think they will utimately figure that out. It is...
  2. sr171soars

    Cochlea America coming out with a new Processor?

    If you want to get technical...:P Yeah, I remember reading about something like this way back. Very reasonable explanation. I'm sure I was adjusting to my CI over the first months but it felt fairly normally since day two for me. This was especially true of speech. I do recall that the...
  3. sr171soars

    Degrees of hearing loss and speech scores!

    <Shaking my head> AlleyCat did indicate that this was during a standardized hearing test where sentences are spoken at a moderate speed (not too slow nor too fast). Obviously, the hearing tests have been refined over the years to where they are essentially as good as one gets...
  4. sr171soars

    Cochlea America coming out with a new Processor?

    That probably won't happen until they create an electrode with many more discrete points than currently available. I have a theory why the "robotic" sounds everybody experience. Most people who have loss hearing have definitely lost some the higher frequency sounds. Getting a CI "restores"...
  5. sr171soars

    Degrees of hearing loss and speech scores!

    Fascinating. Learn something new everyday. You are correct that in general, it is much easier to comprehend speech if one has a "sentence" to work with. I never sweat the sentence tests and always get close to 100% and even with "noise" I do almost as well. It is a little tougher to do the...
  6. sr171soars

    FDA-Shocking Results on CI Statically

    It always comes down to what the person's expectations are and whether it is worth the effort to get a CI. In a nutshell, of course for some getting a CI is not the best choice. This isn't always cut and dried as one likes it to be. I'm reminded of that well known phrase..."Decisions...
  7. sr171soars

    Degrees of hearing loss and speech scores!

    This is not surprising to me in the least. Not everybody has developed the ability to listen and comprehend speech. They can hear the sounds of the words and sentences but that is not the same as comprehension. Just because one can "hear" sounds better with a CI won't necessarily translate...
  8. sr171soars

    FDA-Shocking Results on CI Statically

    <Heavy sarcasm> "The world according to Garp!" It is your opinion that it is safer not implanting a child with a CI. Fine, so be it. But let's quit beating a dead horse. It all comes down to a parent's decision for better or worst. We need to learn to respect that and move on. If one...
  9. sr171soars

    FDA-Shocking Results on CI Statically

    Yep, my point exactly. Yes, that is the case. But they also get tangled up with the difference between learning how to do speech from a vocalization standpoint vs learning to listening to speech. They are two distinct things. The critical component is learning to listen to speech and that...
  10. sr171soars

    FDA-Shocking Results on CI Statically

    I agree and concur with this conclusion. This comes close to the crux of the matter about the whole subject of CIs in young children which always has been a hotly heated and debated subject (which I much prefer to stay out of). Any decision a parent makes whether to do or not to do an action...
  11. sr171soars

    Questions about Tinnitus

    Tinnitus is unfortunately more common than one thinks among those with hearing losses. Some people have very light or mild cases it where a HA or CI will "drown" it out. If not aided in any way, it will not be a huge distraction. The worst it is...the more stressful it can be. Some people...
  12. sr171soars

    A lovely reseach on...

    Maybe compared to some but not people like me. You couldn't come close to what I hear with my CI compared to what you pickup via lipreading. I don't lipread in general (only when very noisy) and I don't need to see the face at all. I can carry on conversations out of line of sight and and in...
  13. sr171soars

    Tinnitus with HA on

    Perhaps you are experiencing recruitment. Check out the link... Recruitment from Hearing Loss
  14. sr171soars

    Success Factors CI

    Pretty decent summary. This explains very well why two different people with similar histories hearing wise will not necessarily have similar outcomes.
  15. sr171soars

    If someone can be aided to 15db with HAs, why consider CI?

    As for transposition, no I didn't try that. Er...I never mentioned anything about hearing in the lows as being better in the highs where one may have no hearing at all. I assume somebody else said that and you attributed it to me. I merely was pointing out that I had a big problem with...
  16. sr171soars

    A question

    That probably came out of the CI in children wars. One argument is why parents implant their children is so they can hear and speak like the hearing. It is as these children were "cured" of deafness. Another possibility refers to those who had been in deaf culture, get a CI, and then...
  17. sr171soars

    How much speech do you understand by reading lips?

    I can't say it is inferior if one can't do without it. It is just another tool to assist with communicating those who speak. I don't think of it as another language but just a tool. Heck, you have to understand the spoken language first before one can lipread at all. When I had a HA prior...
  18. sr171soars

    If someone can be aided to 15db with HAs, why consider CI?

    Exactly! That is what I was missing with my HA before I got my CI. Now, clarity is not a problem. That is also why I don't read lips much anymore (this is for DD1) as it is not necessary.
  19. sr171soars

    How old were you the first time....

    I was 47 when I got my CIs. They provided two as one is a backup. So, I chose blue and silver. Love the colors...anything but beige.
  20. sr171soars

    Future CI (Just imagining what they'll be like in the future

    :roll: Not only do we see intense optimism but now we are starting to see delusional tendencies... Have you considered the political ramification of this? There is no gov't in the world that is going to allow private individuals to have so-called super powers anytime soon. I can believe the...