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  1. sr171soars

    Another CI failure story. No improvement in speech!

    Ummm, what utter nonsense is this? The implant itself is built to last one's lifetime. There may be some rare cases where an implant can fail but not many. It it did, then it can be replaced. There are people out there with older implants still going after 20+ years. As for the...
  2. sr171soars

    Why is it hearing aids cost so much?

    What you said is essentially true. However, my beef with this argument is very simple. While making all of these nice and fancy models, come up with a couple of "cheap" simple "no frills" types. This would allow those who can't afford the more expensive ones to have some options. As we all...
  3. sr171soars

    Nucleus 5 brochure

    I actually got to look at and examine the real thing earlier this week (long story). A couple of observations for those who might be interested in upgrading to it. The improvements: 1)Smaller size and it shape is more like a fatter but shorter Med-El. 2)Uses two 675 size batteries. These last...
  4. sr171soars

    Another CI failure story. No improvement in speech!

    Very true. While it is not rocket science especially nowadays, there are still variables in the process that makes it sometimes problematical. Excellent observation. All things being equal, a person's drive and determination to make best use of a device or aid goes a long way to overcoming...
  5. sr171soars

    tinnitus common after implant?

    There are no guarantees that a CI will get rid of tinnitus. Most of the time, patients will have less noticeable tinnitus if not outright elimination of it. Some patients will have the same and unfortunately, some will have more. For myself prior to the CI, I had mild tinnitus...
  6. sr171soars

    Why is it hearing aids cost so much?

    One of you stated because of a small market. That was the closest to the truth. Those of us that wear a HA (I used to and now have a CI) are a captive market. Heck, CIs are even more expensive and just thinking about upgrading in the future is enough to give me pause. Anyway, I meant to...
  7. sr171soars

    Reason for Hearing Restoration

    CI Implant... 1. They think I had a hearing loss when I was born. They officially diagnosed me by the time I was 2 1/2 - 3 years old. I wore a HA since then until I got my CI. 2) Sensory-neural hearing loss. 3) To continue to function in the hearing world since I was going totally deaf.
  8. sr171soars

    Any tips on speeding up the CI surgery implant healing?

    No worries. Just be patient and it will heal. If you want, you can do what they advise you to do. I will say that the numbness will take some time. It is simply the nerves of the skin for touch have to regenerate themselves. My right ear (implant side) took quite a while before I could...
  9. sr171soars

    cochlear implant pains

    You need to call your surgeon pronto! One should not be experiencing this kind of pain.
  10. sr171soars

    questions about cochlear implant

    As the others have already said... Yes but you really need to check with a specialist. Everybody is different as what works for one may not work for another.
  11. sr171soars

    questions about CI pre- and post-surgery

    After about two 1/2 days, I didn't need anything and the pain was subsiding nicely. I will defer to others on this one. I didn't do anything special with vitamins or other stuff. I just cut my hair short right before surgery. That took care of that. Don't worry about your hair until you...
  12. sr171soars

    Recruitment from Hearing Loss Explained

    Probably a sizable minority get it but I don't think it is the majority. I never heard of it before until after I got my CI and I'm very knowledgeable on all kinds of stuff. I myself can't say I experienced it with my HA. I may have as I have had times were I heard very well (more than usual...
  13. sr171soars

    What company

    Cochlear using the Freedom...
  14. sr171soars

    I have some questions after reading this CI blog.

    Hearing just cannot be broken down into its physical components and violá one hears. While it is important, there is also cognitive issues and how the brain perceives sounds. We haven't even gotten to the speech component which is yet another ball of wax. Intellegence plays a huge role in how...
  15. sr171soars

    Functionally Deaf

    Good article. I can very much relate with what he said.
  16. sr171soars

    Covering of hearing aids with your hair

    I long ago ceased to care what people thought about my HA and now my CI. In fact, my hair is very short and folks can see my CI easily enough. Almost everybody notices but then forgets about it. Typically, it is only little kids ask me these days. :) I have fun explaining it to them. Now...
  17. sr171soars


    Interesting thread and good points by several of you. It is true that happiness is what one makes of it regardless of the circumstances. If I had gone totally deaf with no option to hear again, I would adapt eventually. This doesn't mean I wouldn't struggle or get frustrated about the...
  18. sr171soars

    Hearing for the first time on CI

    Thanks. I'm blessed indeed. Of course this has been a huge achievement for you. That is great news especially that you are doing better than most thought you would. I hope you can get even better at it. Congratulations!!! To put all this in perspective, I attended a Cochlear event last...
  19. sr171soars

    Hearing for the first time on CI

    The really interesting part for me pertaining to this aspect... I could understand speech and comprehend what was being said from day one. But it took a while for me to automatically pickup what people said to me when not anticipating them. I think that took me about month or two before I...