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  1. sr171soars


    Ditto what deafgal001 said. If they had 30 years or so of work in this area, I might consider it. Right now, it is too much of a hit or miss affair.
  2. sr171soars

    Wow! AB's Harmony vs. Cochlear's Nucleus 5!

    I have a IDR of ~50. I'm working on increasing that. The highest I heard of is one individual with 60. Yeah, there is some trade offs of a high IDR. In a quiet environment, it has been fantastic. It's not too bad for me with lots of noise but there are drawbacks. It just simply means I...
  3. sr171soars

    I am against cochlear implant because it is cheat!

    Whoever told you that having a CI is cheating is an idiot! Nobody gets through life without some form of assistance whether seen or not seen. For example, you can't tell if a person is mathematically challenged by looking at them. So, they use a calculator and thus "cheat" by this definition.
  4. sr171soars

    if you wore cochlear implant, will you become hearing?

    Personally, I say it depends on the person. Before somebody lambasts me, let me explain. If one has to have a CI, then of course they are deaf by definition. However, I know for a fact that when my CI is on I act very much hearing. To the point, that everybody thinks I'm "hearing". This...
  5. sr171soars

    Wearing two brands of CI's...

    I know of one who went bilateral with two different CIs. His first one was with Med-El. His second one was a year plus later with a Cochlear. They really didn't want to do that (let him have a different one) but they finally agreed and did it. I remember my friend saying that the Med-El...
  6. sr171soars

    Cochlear Implants Questions

    Depends. Technology is good enough to get decent results now. If you want perfection, you will be waiting a long time. Up to you. Not really. No going back "per se". Maybe in the future. Who knows? The outer part will be replaced periodically say every 5-10 years. The internal part...
  7. sr171soars


    Whether a CI is worthwhile, depends on basically a couple of factors. 1) Your expectations. 2) What one can do with it even if it doesn't quite meet your expectations. 3) Adaptability. Know this, everybody is different and some do great, some do okay, and some don't do so well. It...
  8. sr171soars

    Tinnitus Problem and Cochlear Implant

    To answer your main concern, almost all folks with a CI fit into one of three categories in regard to tinnitus. 1) Tinnitus remains more or less the same. 2) There is some reduction in tinnitus. 3) No longer has any tinnitus. I'm in the 3rd category. Prior to my CI, I had mild tinnitus. I...
  9. sr171soars


    Think Coke...leer and you will be very close to the correct pronunciation.
  10. sr171soars

    Do you sleep with your hearing aids/ci on?

    No, I never have worn my HA or my CI when sleeping. Well, my wife made me wear my CI once or twice when she went out of town. I was taking care of the kids and they were young. I will say that I didn't sleep as well as I usually do. I use a flashing light alarm to wake myself up even...
  11. sr171soars

    For those of you with a CI, do you experience "electrocution"?

    No, I never experienced that. I do recall that turning it on first thing in the morning could be rough. It should get better for you as time goes on.
  12. sr171soars

    How costly is a CI maintenance?...

    Simply because it is harder for them to adapt to a CI. It is a cognitive issue. It is the same problem that older people have with learning a new language. People learn multiple languages best as young ones. As one gets older, the more difficult that gets. It is not impossible just harder...
  13. sr171soars

    How costly is a CI maintenance?...

    Hearing "per se" is strictly sensory but understanding what you hear is strictly cognitive. For instance, the act of deciding what it is you are hearing (let's say) either a car or a truck requires cognitive abilities. I'm not sure what you are getting at here but I will take a guess. If...
  14. sr171soars

    How costly is a CI maintenance?...

    Remember hearing with a CI is not the same thing as hearing normally. A CI only provides a subset of what a normal person hears. In other words, it is like seeing the world only in black and white. Therefore, you are missing important information such as red on a stop sign in addition to the...
  15. sr171soars

    How costly is a CI maintenance?...

    I found a link. It did not say they didn't benefit from a CI. Rather, it states that they didn't benefit as much as younger implantees. That would be a logical conclusion as a CI requires mental agility to adapt to it. Still for all that, they still had a significant benefit from a CI. It...
  16. sr171soars

    How costly is a CI maintenance?...

    That is a great question. I've had my CI just over 5 years. My CI is the Cochlear Freedom (with three batteries). My main expense has been getting batteries. I estimate for a years worth is about $120. I also had to get microphone covers which cost some $40 for a pack of four (I think I...
  17. sr171soars

    How costly is a CI maintenance?...

    I find that statement very hard to believe. I know they have implanted many over 65 years and some as old as 80.
  18. sr171soars

    Questions about cochlear implants

    No one really can say unless they have a Cochlear in one ear and a another type for the other ear. Obviously, this leaves out the third one. I do have a friend who has a Med-El and a Cochlear. He stated that the Cochlear is slightly better for understanding speech. This really doesn't mean...
  19. sr171soars

    Remove the CI

    Er...unless you have a compelling medical reason to remove the CI, be prepared to pay up to remove it. Insurance won't cover that just because you want it out.
  20. sr171soars

    Between the following 3 cochlears...

    No, they don't anymore. It was years ago that they stopped using them. That is why the article is old. Several people had gotten meningitus due to the positioners. I think one or two might have even died as a result.