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  1. darkangel8603

    AD family..I just want you to know that...

    You went to robarts??
  2. darkangel8603

    Thunderstorm today

    Yah it was really bad here too in Brantford. I was at the visitation for my grandma last night, and as we were leaving, there was lighting within the clouds, it was so cool and pretty. It is cool to watch. Anyway, then me and my friends went out to resturant/pub with some of my cousins, and it...
  3. darkangel8603

    Gas Prices... Ugh!

    yikes.. 1.09 here... not long ago it was only 80 or more.. :hyper:
  4. darkangel8603


    thank you.. i will really miss her, at first i had a hard time accepting it, but my mom said its ok to cry, and i started crying..
  5. darkangel8603

    "I admit" Part 10

    i admit that i think you should admit your true identify.. i also admit that i don't like you.
  6. darkangel8603


    ravensteve needs to read this book..
  7. darkangel8603


    my gramma just passed away..
  8. darkangel8603

    I found out who mr Levonian really is

    give it up..
  9. darkangel8603

    CI for son...CI friendly only please

    That is correct, I don;'t know how old you guys are, or what your times were like in elementary school, but today has more scricter policies and even laws for bullying. ALot of schools now have a zero tolerance policy, and does not accept even the tiniest of bullying. so it is different than...
  10. darkangel8603

    Feeling depressed?

    whoa whoa whoa... one thing i forgot to mention... SHE IS A STRONG CATHOLIC!! VERY RELGIOUS!!!! care to explain that?!? My grandmother went to church every sunday for her whole life. She prayed EVERYDAY, perhap TWICE or more!, She has jesus and god in her life!!!!.. SO my point is that she...
  11. darkangel8603

    #1 song the day you were born

    Stuck With You - Huey Lewis and the News USA Don't Leave Me This Way - Communards UK
  12. darkangel8603

    Feeling depressed?

    ok u said that god can heal diseases or disorder that is caused by sin, why didn't he answer my prayers or heal my grandmother who is sick with lung cancer and is dying in a hospice. Why didn't he heal my grandmother to get better? Why didn't he heal me to relieve me of my bipolar that is...
  13. darkangel8603


    just an update.,, my grandma is still alive, but not for long.. my mom says it could be anytime soon. I am not looking forward to that.
  14. darkangel8603

    family run birthday

    in my immediate family, all the birthdays are in the second half of a year. for example, my bro birthday in july, my dad in aug, me in sept, then mom in dec
  15. darkangel8603

    Why is it $3 a Gallion? Heres your Answer?

    is it really 3 dollar per gallon down there? wow, here it is 1.03 or something like that.. and my family, and family are complaining about that. guess we shouldn't complain now.. :whistle: :ugh3:
  16. darkangel8603


    I just went to visit her today, but she looked so terrible, so i got upset and left the hospice. My dad even got the suit out ready for funeral which upset me more. I can't believe it iwll be any days now. :tears:
  17. darkangel8603

    Feeling depressed?

    My mother side of the family is a strong believer in god. Catholic family. But many of my mom's side have depression. it is passed on. Unfortunally I am one of those because of bipolar. Those who claim that i am sinning because of my bipolar, should go to hell!!
  18. darkangel8603

    "I admit" Part 10

    i admit i am pissed with someone here cuz she had offended me deeply. I am getting off now.
  19. darkangel8603

    CI for son...CI friendly only please

    Momoftwo, shut up!! the thread said CI friendly only in case you can't read!! they already made their decision, so if u dun have anything nice to say don't say anything at all, i am sure god taught you that already!?!? Anyway Issacsmom, i wish you the best of luck for your son. Myself, I got...
  20. darkangel8603

    Feeling depressed?

    i am bipolar, but i don't live with the demons. I am not sinning anything.