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  1. darkangel8603

    Bilateral Implants

    yah ia m in canada, oh really? i was wondering about that too. I didnt know if Canada would cover for bilateral or not. ughh. gotta look around more and ask questions. thanks
  2. darkangel8603

    Bilateral Implants

    Yes I had tried hearing aid in my other year less than an year ago, but its crap, for one thing the audi had trouble trying to find the right aid for me as most even powerful aids wouldn't work very well. And even when the audi got one that pretty much up there to try to fit with what I can hear...
  3. darkangel8603

    Bilateral Implants

    Heyyy, I'm Back, I think lol, actually I had been here for awhile, mostly lurking around reading posts lol. Anyway I got to thinking about bilateral implants. Those who are new or haven't read my original posts, I first came here in 2005? Can't remember what year, but I came here asking...
  4. darkangel8603

    Cochlear Implant is death sentence to your health!

    As an ci wearer, i watched the video, and was not surprised about the comments. Even if it is true or not I don't know, its all part of the risks of getting a CI, but it is our choice, (children exception!) we adults have our own decision and are aware of the risks of getting a ci, but we still...
  5. darkangel8603

    Does 'E' Really Mean Empty on Your Car's Gas Gauge?

    we usually run til the gas light comes on, cuz there are 4 drivers for one car and whoever drives it has to pay the gas, so why should i fill it all the way up and let my brother use all the gas i paid. I am not rich and neither are my family. As someone mentioned that if you cannot afford to...
  6. darkangel8603

    How much will you spend on holiday gifts this year?

    Angel, don't worry too much about the expenses of the gifts for your kids, they will understand that not everybody gets what they want. I grew up with money hardship, but we (my bro and I) managed just fine, mom always explains to us that we are not going to get everything on the list we made...
  7. darkangel8603

    Hearing Aid "Jewelry"

    can't go to link, whats up with that. ;-)
  8. darkangel8603

    Burned Body

    its gonna be very hard for yo uto sleep comfortably. I got second degree sun burn in 2002 on my whole back and it hurt like hell and couldn't sleep for couple of night for awhile, til i finally slept in my bathing suit and curled up not straight back cuz i got burn when i was sitting down and...
  9. darkangel8603

    What year did you.....

    2006 - two years after the original grad year.
  10. darkangel8603

    What color is your hair?

    I have naturally dark brown hair but i had been dying it for awhile and i don't think i remember seeing all my hair being natural brown sicne i was like 16 or so lol. when i was little i had dirty blond but then change to brown when iwas like 4 or 5
  11. darkangel8603

    Are you on time?

    depends, if for work early, appt on time cuz i dont like to wait in waiting room, and meet with friends late. lol
  12. darkangel8603

    Jigsaw Puzzles :-)

    ok done. 13:10
  13. darkangel8603

    Jigsaw Puzzles :-)

    opps i double posted
  14. darkangel8603

    Jigsaw Puzzles :-)

    i take your challenge. Bars of Soap - under Things - Objects 108 pieces swirls cut. :D
  15. darkangel8603

    Jigsaw Puzzles :-)

    or u could go to
  16. darkangel8603

    Summer 2008.. Ader...Weight Loss Support Group :):)

    I would but unfortunately i don't like sea food lol.
  17. darkangel8603

    Summer 2008.. Ader...Weight Loss Support Group :):)

    cool, i believe you about the mcdonald. my city of 90 000 there is hmm at least 5 or 6 mcdonald, but its not as much as tim horton, u can drive anywhere without seeing one. as for taco bell, i think it is getting less and less of taco bell, i guess it not as popular. but thanks for the...
  18. darkangel8603

    My daughter wants to come home.

    Ahh i remember when i was younger. I was placed in res school at 6 yrs old and stayed 2 years before my parent placed me in mainstream with deaf program at home. I remember the wednesday visits my parents would come down and visit me every wed but when it was time for them to leave i would cry...
  19. darkangel8603

    My new baby

    thanks guys. yeah my dream is one day live in country but not farm and not too far from city (shopping is one of my vices lol) and be able to have a big house or a nice house with nice warm barn or shelter for the animals i save and nurse them back to health. its a big dream i know, but i can...
  20. darkangel8603

    What do you do to make yourself happy when your sad?

    i guess it depends on what kind of sadness i have. in one way i would go shopping, take dog out for walk/run (at dog park), play with my kitties, do puzzle, come online and chat with friends (not usually since when i am sad or down i am not in the mood to talk to anybody or i tend to be asshole...