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  1. darkangel8603

    I need to lose weight

    thank you all for your good lucks. :-D
  2. darkangel8603

    Boy drowns in his bed

    aww thats so sad. i notice some people who have problems like autism or down sydrome should not be swimming alone in the first place. u never know what will happen. last year on july 31 a 4 years old autism boy drowned at the trailer park in a town near here, even he was with his helper...
  3. darkangel8603

    HBO Documentary "Hear and Now"

    yah i saw that movie the other day, it was pretty good, and interesting to see how an older couple go thru it and stuff.
  4. darkangel8603

    Ever Try To Make Your Hearing Better?

    naw i didnt grow up like that, my parents accepted me for who i am. but they pushed me for speech and reading and stuff like that when i was a kid, but i'm glad for that cuz now i can talk fairly well and is a big reader. when i see my other deaf friends, and when their parents didnt do much to...
  5. darkangel8603

    you dye hair? or never (natural)

    I colour my hair alot in the last couple of years lol. i started at 16 with streaks then just went on to colouring different colours lol i've had aburne red, red, hot pink, cotton candy pink, blue, purple, black, midnight blue, now i dyed it recently to brown, i am going to go back to my...
  6. darkangel8603

    For moms, more kids can mean fewer teeth

    why does kids punch your teeth out?
  7. darkangel8603

    your vices

    one of hers is in touch magazine
  8. darkangel8603

    I need to lose weight

    Yah the doctor got me eating 6 small meals a day, it goes like this 250 calories for breakfast 150 caloires for snack 600 calories for lunch 150 calories for snack 700 calories for dinner 150 calories for snack so far it seems to be working abit, but its frustrating and tiring...
  9. darkangel8603

    siamese cat

    I love siamese cat, I have one, I named him Loki (the god of mischeif and it suits him very well lol), but hes great and beautiful. You will enjoy your siameses. I want to get another one when i move out of my parents home (I can hear my mom saying NOOOOOO more animals!! lol)
  10. darkangel8603

    I need to lose weight

    I am seeing a weight management doctor, and have started on a diet, right now I am on a 2000 calories a day, with 250g of carbs, 60g of fat, and more than 120 g of proteins. I think I have lost a bit of weight, i can tell in my pants, but I don't go for my first weigh in for awhile, I was...
  11. darkangel8603

    Bilateral Implants

    I don't think so, isn't pediatric for children? I am not in school anymore so i doubt an audi from school for the deaf would be able to do anything, not only that there is a real shortage of audi at deaf schools in ontario. in fact i havent even seen one audi at school when i was there for hte...
  12. darkangel8603

    What Books Have You Recently Purchased?

    I have tons of books lol, but the most recently purchase is Change of Heart I absolutely love Jodi Picoult books. I also have been to a giant book fair recently and bought a whole bunch of books, including Chicken Soup for the Women Soul 1 and 2 Deafening Along Came Trouble...
  13. darkangel8603

    Do You Suffer From Clinical Depression or Bipolar Disorder?

    I am bipolar, been diagnosed at 15 yrs old (now 21), probably would've been diagnosed earlier except my fear of doctors don't help. I have been in and out of mental health hospital a couple of times now. It sucks really my mind is fucked up and i hate it. I take meds but sometime when i feel...
  14. darkangel8603

    Bilateral Implants

    humm I'm not too sure about that, but i would think she does, she works with both children and adults.
  15. darkangel8603

    Bilateral Implants

    Hear Again: I doubt I would be able to go to the state to get one, I cannot afford to buy one myself, or get health insurance. kimpossible i am from Ontario. although the place i got my first was in London Ont, there are also 2 other hospital who does it, but i don't know if its all the same...
  16. darkangel8603

    Keep an Eye on Your License Plate

    yah in my hometown, there had been gas and run incidents. for here most gas stations have it that people has to go inside to pay before filling or pay at pump after 9pm, i guess thats when most gas and run cases happen, i dunno
  17. darkangel8603

    MySpace is not good for you deafies?

    i used to have myspace, still do actually but never go there, i rather facebook. Its more simpler and easier to find old friends and harder for stalkers or creepies to get my information because you have to approve them to see your profile, not like myspace where anybody can go in or whatever.
  18. darkangel8603

    your vices

    mine are smoking cigs and weed, other not so bad vice is diet pepsi, in touch magazine, lottery stratch tickets (but gave that up a year ago), and spending. another bad vice is cutting or hurting myself.
  19. darkangel8603

    Why i'm only person who see this way?

    I'll be honest, the very beginning of your post (Taurus) I was sympathetic to your feeling and was just about to say you go gurl, but then as your post went on it started to sound a bit mean yourself. You have right to rant but you don't have right to insult or 'act like bitch to other'.
  20. darkangel8603

    Bilateral Implants

    I emailed my audi, she said... With respect to bilaterals, right now they are being done in children and primary through research. We have such a long waiting list for the adults that we simply cannot justify giving a patient two devices when so many people are waiting for one. so... i...