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  1. darkangel8603

    gallaudet tradition...

    now that i get, good point.. heh. never thought about that. ;-)
  2. darkangel8603

    Do you know the truth about heaven?

    ok steve, you are getting a little too far with the homosexual insults, you don't want to get kicked out again do you. I advise you to be careful with what you say. ;-)
  3. darkangel8603

    gallaudet tradition...

    interesting.. thanks.. :whistle:
  4. darkangel8603

    Yea Or Nay: Gallaudet Protests

    i vote neutral, even if i am goin to gallaudet this aug, i have no idea what the protest is about and don't really understand the whole thing. Some of you may need to think about what you define Deaf? or deaf?
  5. darkangel8603

    Not leaving--anyone want to 'fit' in with me.... :)

    ahh that is normal, i dun feel accepted here as well, but i am patience and wait for those in ad to accept me and be my friends to chat with, but it takes time, so be patient and you will find someone soon. Just keep posting whatever you want until you find a freidn to chat with then go from...
  6. darkangel8603

    What Sodas do you miss and want it back?

    uggghh.. pepsi blue, i am glad that is gone, i hated it, i like pure pepsi, but i missssss cherry pepsi so much, and cherry coke which is hard to find around here. never heard of tab, before my time i guess lol. crystal pepsi? never heard of that.. hmm :hyper:
  7. darkangel8603

    gallaudet tradition...

    really? why? isn't it someone's right to shavetheir hair? so you are going to be SRA for my dorm eh. I got an email today saying that my dorm is at Ballard West. Thanks for info.. :whistle:
  8. darkangel8603

    Do you know the truth about heaven?

    puh pleeze... i am overweight too but i don't go running to the fast food joints to sue them.. or suing the little corner store for selling junk food and pop beverages. Again its your choice. YOU CHOSE TO EAT FAST FOOD, being overweight is your consquences..
  9. darkangel8603

    Do you know the truth about heaven?

    that it? geeze.. pathetic.. you think those thing are bad or the end of the world. Face it Steve, you can confront those and change it, but you chose not to. Ok you are deaf, accept it. You are single and have no children, find a girl you like and date her and then make children, you are not...
  10. darkangel8603

    Do you know the truth about heaven?

    don't ask him that... unless u want to stay here listening to his lonnnnnng list of problems...