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  1. Dennis S.

    What should i do as an IT manager?

    TTY calls to my business are rare, but still exist. Really, it depends on your clients -- you're asking a group of tech-savvy people here online, most of us probably abandoned the TTY ages ago. Personally, the more ways you have of people contacting you, the better. A toll free TTY line...
  2. Dennis S.

    New iPod Touch

    It'll be a WiFi iPod. Internet access, yes, but no cellular access. Don't know if AIM or email will be available.
  3. Dennis S.

    Miracle Benefits Of Liquid Chlorophyll And Raw Honey

    This is bull. Raw honey isn't MAGICALLY any better for you than pasteurized honey. There may be some small benefits, but you're not gonna become super better just because of raw honey. This is a contradictory statement: You CAN get sick from OD on Vitamin C. Possible Error Detected...
  4. Dennis S.

    no tdd at the second location

    You say "TDD" but TTY's don't access the internet. You're using the wrong terminology. Fine. What's the screen name you say "call" to? What are you using to "call" this relay screen name? Is it a Sidekick? A laptop? A pager? WHAT?
  5. Dennis S.

    no tdd at the second location

    What's the phone number you use to dial relay on your TTY?
  6. Dennis S.

    Is there another way to call from pager to VP users?

    Nope. The IP Relay and VRS system cannot both be used at the same time to call other deaf people. Your best bet is to use IM.
  7. Dennis S.

    RIM Officially Announced BlackBerry Curve!

    One poster says 3.2Mpixel camera, for the 8320, the Boy Genius report says 2.0Mpixel. I think the 2.0Mpixel specs are more accurate.
  8. Dennis S.

    **Speech Program Technology Out there?**

    Let me get this straight. The article linked appears to have been PRINTED IN 1987. That's 20 years ago. Um, why have we NOT heard of this technology continuing to be used? I'm suspicious as I have a hard time believing that the NY Times has published articles online back to 1987, but...
  9. Dennis S.

    Hotel in space by 2012!!!

    Wrong. The article specifically says that you will get 8 weeks of training. There will not be "people hired to take care of all the passengers" because of weight issues. Only 6 "guests" are going up -- who are those 6 people? There can't be a million other people going -- there has to be...
  10. Dennis S.

    ALLTEL Wireless will be offering special rate plan for deaf/HH.

    So then what is the rate for blackberry or smartphone plans? Aren't those the ones that are supposed to be the ones with keyboards?
  11. Dennis S.

    "You're not deaf"

    I used to think like DeafilMedia. You should not be able to understand anything on the telephone to be "deaf." Then I learned that it doesn't matter what you call yourself, it's arbitrary to define someone as "deaf" just because a number on a chart says they're "deaf." With my implant, most...
  12. Dennis S.

    tax break

    First things first: Zero, tell us which state and city you're in. Someone will be able to direct you to someone LOCAL who can help you. "NAD" deals with national level stuff, and they may take time to get back to you, so help us help you. There is no such thing as an "ADA office" but there...
  13. Dennis S.

    Free Education for HOH/DEAF In College

    Vocational Rehabilitation (VR). The requirements by each state are different, but the easiest thing to do would be to locate the nearest office that serves D/HH clients and set up a meeting to discuss your goals and find out what they can do for you. Don't go in demanding a free education...
  14. Dennis S.

    instant messanger software for BB

    Since we don't have a clue what Blackberry device this is (8703e? 8830? 8300? 7130e?) I will just throw out the recommendation that the free AOL AIM program is available here: On your blackberry, go to this address: You can...
  15. Dennis S.

    Jury Duties Call

    Those are the people that lawyers want on the jury. :-( How better can you win your case by stacking the jury with people who will believe your story due to their prejudices, not due to facts?
  16. Dennis S.

    Jury Duties Call

    Huh? There's supposed to be a criminal prosecutor for these cases, that's why the mother wouldn't have a lawyer, it's not a civil proceeding. I have a hard time swallowing this, something's missing from this story.
  17. Dennis S.

    One Angry Lady

    It's FAKE. No HOUSEWIFE wrote this.
  18. Dennis S.

    Cat returns home after 10 years

    I suspect someone else had the cat for a while. Living 10 years in the wild doesn't lend oneself to a) survival, and b) having housecat habits. So, if the cat still has a domestic temperment, that means someone else had the cat, and now another owner is looking for their cat, assuming the worst.