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  1. S

    What does barbed wire mean?

    :-o And be more than current 9 inches? I wish! :whistle:
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    My harddrive is FRIED!!

    I've seen Tigerdirect and Newegg each have drives around 160GB for about $49..... either company is good to order from, I've had great service from both of them. Hope you're back up and running soon
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    What does barbed wire mean?

    Exactly! Plus by then it'll be all stretched out and stuff so you really gotta think ahead about "Will this still look alright when it's twice as long as it is now?" :wiggle: (sorry, couldn't help myself)
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    Hacker, be caution!

    You can't blame a virus on a site like Alldeaf...... if you got a virus from this site, it would have to be from opening a file someone sent to you, or from a link to somewhere else..... either way, just like with email, you should never open a file you don't know about. Otherwise the only...
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    a question for the guys

    I have to agree..... jeez, that ranks up there with that guy who grabbed my ass. :run: If I was a girl...... or gay..... then I would think the guy is interested...... but since I'm not, I'd know he's mistaken :whistle:
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    What Sodas do you miss and want it back?

    Actually, Coke Classic is the original (at least same as in the 70s-80s) until they changed flavor and everyone complained, so they re-released the old coke recipe and called it Coke Classic. (I remember that fiasco cause I always chose Coke over Pepsi :cheers: ) Here's a snippet about it...
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    Online Dating is fake.

    Not all dating sites are fake..... but many of them are. I can only suggest that you don't pay for any site, until you've proven that it's not fake. If the dating site doesn't give you any way to view an email or 'hook up with someone' without paying for it, it's either fake, or not worth...
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    hardest things to do in Relationship

    Vampyrox, some of things you've said here are so true with me also. You may have been friends with a girl for years, and one day try to take relationship to next level, and they say they don't want to ruin friendship. The other end of the 'scope' is they say they want to be friends before get...
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    Gunderson on front sports page with 1.1 million circulation!

    Whoa! He's up to #5 today! Awesome!
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    Devil Test "How Bad Are You?"

    After comparing your "How Bad Are You?" results to the thousands of other scores in our database, you aren't as bad as 48.33 of participants. How does that make you feel? Dang, I was really getting scared for a bit with a lack of 'No' answers.... thought I was gonna...
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    What animal are you?

    You are a Unicorn! Some people think unicorns are a myth... You are one of the most rare animals. Less than 2 percent of people that take this test are the unicorn. Unicorns are good an almost everything they do, and are very well liked! Jees, they say only 2% are unicorns.... how come so...
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    My site...

    Not everyone there is deaf, Capt...... :Owned:
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    What Sodas do you miss and want it back?

    Mr. Pibb. The company decided to change flavor and renamed drink to Pibb Extra and it tastes crappy now. I miss the old Mr Pibb.
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    Well, I was planning to go...... but if anything the last 2 years has taught me, things never go as planned, and Murphy's Law seems to be ever present. :tears:
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    What states are the cheaper place to live?

    Right.... Gas and groceries are about same as other places in country from my experience (comparing small town in AR to far suburbs of Chicago, IL), but housing and land is very much cheaper, as well as taxes.... Taxes for my mom's home in IL are over $4000+ a year, but for a house here that's...
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    Space Shuttle finally launching today

    Sorry, but I agree.... Buckdodgers, you need to get yourself educated.... The world isn't laughing at us (not anymore anyways, but they were when Clinton was president). As for taxpayers money, NASA gets probly the least money from the government of any organization, including those programs...
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    Space Shuttle finally launching today

    Doh! Oh well, tune in again tomorrow.....
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    Space Shuttle finally launching today

    The first manned shuttle mission since July 2005, is on the launch pad and scheduled to launch within the hour. C-SPAN is showing full coverage if you wanna watch and help wish the crew success. :fingersx: Also, of course there's info at the Nasa Shuttle homepage...
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    Looking for Friends

    Hiya Stillwaiting, welcome to AD. I'm hearing, and live about 1 full state away at the top of Arkansas. Have you lived long in Baton Rouge? Like cajun food? Feel free to PM/IM me.