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  1. S

    time to clear things up

    *breathes on the glass and wipes clean with sleeve* :io:
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    Am I the only one here...

    Once again... Im happy everything went well Lucia! Rest easy and have speedy recuperation! :h5:
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    First appointment

    I'm very happy it all went good Lucia! (I knew it would be okay :wiggle: ) Get your rest and sweet dreams knowing the scary part is over. :hug:
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    an song about our love read please!!!

    Hehe, I didn't know you posted it here darkflare, but see that they agreed with me about it? It's very nice. I wish your relationship with her goes much better than what happened with me. Good luck dude! :fingersx:
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    I passed my GED!!!

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    What HAPPENED TO ALL OF YOU!!!!?????

    :gpost: Someone had to say it. Good rant Rebelgirl
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    Thank You Alex

    I agree completely. I dunno about what happened earlier, but attacking someone does not help, and posting their personal information is just wrong. If you dont agree with someone, you're more than welcome to state your opinion, but there is no reason to attack them. Can't we all just get along?
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    Thank You Alex

    I agree, Steve should have never been allowed back with 'second chance'. It was actually like his 4th chance or something if I remember correctly, cause he had been banned a couple times before for a few days or a week at a time before he was semi-permenant ban and came back with new...
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    Death of a friend.

    Lucia and SmileyGin, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope her family can handle it okay, and at least get some compensation from the hospital as that seems to me a good case for negligence. Anyways, my heart is with youz and her family. RIP Cheryl
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    This is dedicated to those born 1930-1979

    I've also seen it before, but it's still good for a laugh. It's all so true!
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    Bush: Waiting to be attacked

    LoL, I suck in arguments and debates. Please stop! :bowdown: :run: :ty:
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    Bush: Waiting to be attacked

    People see what they want to see Reba, even though it says it's a hoax near the bottom of the page it's on in Sillycat's link.
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    Bush: Waiting to be attacked

    I don't know what I've done to make you mad at me Cheri, or if it's just you're missing things that I said, or if I'm just not making my points clear enough, but I'll try and be more clear. Like I said, I'm sure he had told his people to find out what they can and get the ball rolling while...
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    Thank You Alex

    Thank you Alex! You did the right thing. Personally, I was still trying to figure why he got unbanned, and knew it was only a matter of time before re-ban. :ty:
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    Bush: Waiting to be attacked

    Im not sure why you're attacking me now for being a neutral party stating how people should get educated about what's going on instead of bashing based on lies. I just reread the link that Boult posted, this time all the way through, and I still fail to see where all this truth is that you say...
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    Bush: Waiting to be attacked

    What goes the same for me? Giving facts to back up what i say? I thought I did. Bashing someone for 'not supporting Bush and his agenda', I havent done that. What I did do was say that if you're gonna bash a president, at least give evidence for it from sources more reliable than a tabloid...
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    Bush: Waiting to be attacked

    Yes Cheri, Im not forgetting Sept 11... that's one of my main points... like I said, Clinton is at least as much to blame, if not more. The attacks would never happened if he captured Osama when he had the chances (plural). Yes, we do have free speech, but if you're gonna say "so-and-so...
  18. S

    Bush: Waiting to be attacked

    Ya know, all the Bush bashing is getting pathetic, and posting some BS link of propaganda from the democratic party bashing him is same thing as posting links from republican party bashing democrats. If you believe that crap, then you probly believe the BS in Moore's movie (of which people in...
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    Strongest OTC Sleeping Pill ?

    Zoloft and Paxil arent sleep aids..... they're anti-depressants, and wont help with sleep. If you're getting prescribed those, the doctor or therapist will usually also prescribe a secondary medication to combat anxiety or as a sleep aid.... probly something like Klonopin or Diazepan or...
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    Things you should never say to a cop

    NEVER SAY TO A COP 1. I can't reach my license unless you hold my beer. (OK in Texas) 2. Sorry, Officer, I didn't realize my radar detector wasn't plugged in. 3 Aren't you the guy from the Village People? 4. Hey, you must've been doin' about 125 mph to keep up with me. Good job! 5. Are...