Search results

  1. J

    Anyone own a telescope?

    I have looked and been insterested in looking at the sky. I use these sites: The SkyNews Observer's Guide—Weekly Celestial Previews, Times For Observing Jupiter's Great Red Spot, Guide to Observing Saturn, Aurora Watch SkyNews Magazine—The Canadian Magazine of Astronomy and Stargazing...
  2. J

    Any books....

    I have found some books by Harlan Lane - "When the Mind Hears" "Into the Deaf World" Oliver Saks "Seeing Voices" Sue Thomas "Silent Night" (The story of the 'real' Sue Thomas "I didn't Hear the Dragon Roar"--(Teacher from Gally goes to China to visit Deaf there), I see Suicidegirl recommends...
  3. J

    Amish´s history

    For cooking conversions etc I use this: FAQ and conversion file
  4. J

    Amish´s history

    They don't 'own' they are using it to get from point A to B. Depends on how strict the district is as to what is permissible and what is not. May I suggest: Amish Llinks & Reading List The Book Shoppe A book to look for is: "20 most asked questions" - check in your local library as well.
  5. J

    PRESS RELEASES FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 18, 2006 DEAF ONTARIANS CHALLENGE MOVIE INDUSTRY On November 2, 2006 at 10AM, the movie theatre, studio and distribution industries, including Famous Players, AMC Theatres, Universal Studios Canada, Paramount Pictures Canada, Cineplex Odeon...
  6. J

    Which credit card issuer do you guys use?

    I have one Mastercard. I would advise that you get a separate card as if you read the fine print stuff, if you use due care and inform the issuer of the card if/that it was stolen then at the most you are responsible for is $50.00. Some companies will wiave this. On the other hand if a debit...
  7. J

    hearing learning ASL, how long?

    Learning ASL and having it 'click' I was born with a severe-profound hearing loss. I was taught in school using the oral method with the assistance of a personal FM system. I was able to hear most of what the teacher was saying if they were facing me and the FM was on. The part that I missed...
  8. J

    Books about deafness & CI

    Try the Internet Movie Database. Here is a direct link to the film information: Jim
  9. J

    TTY and Cellphones

    I have tried to use a TTY with a digital cell phone. Nothing but trouble, it seem that the way digital cell phones work does not matter if CDMA or GSM. The text usually ends up scrambled. To try this I called the relay service. This is because TTY was designed for landline telephone with a...
  10. J

    Canada Deaf Wireless Survey

    survey answered and I joined the site.
  11. J

    Deaf physicians

    Biography - Deaf Doctor When the Phone Rings, My Bed Shakes The Memoirs of a Deaf Doctor Philip Zazove, M.D. Published by Gallaudet Press Jim
  12. J

    thinking in asl/esl

    What language do you think in ? It is interesting that this topic would come up at the end of July. I am a member of the forum and the same sort of thing was discussed. Few Things That Have Always Puzzled Me
  13. J

    Any deafies is MCSE certified??

    There is the MCSA - I have that along with my Comptia A+ and Network+ = Around here I have these and I have done some work as a sub-contractor. Jim
  14. J

    Maps from Google are available at Jim