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  1. P

    Deaf student proved doctors wrong; she's headed to Yale

    What is an "AG Bell type?" I received assistance from AG Bell but to call myself an overachiever would be a slap in the face of true overachievers. I can't help but feel like you are stereotyping a bit.
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    Value of Cued English

    Banjo, what is a "Deaf Militant?!" I admit my ignorance there. Jeff, great article and I share the same views as many others in this thread.
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    Cued Speech

    I was born deaf so I'm not really sure it's just for people who become deaf later in life. If applied correctly, cued speech can be used effectively in concert with speech therapy to oralize someone who was born deaf/hoh. I know it worked for me -- I don't even know cued speech anymore and...
  4. P

    How do the people treats you differently?

    I'm oralized and a lot of strangers are surprised when I tell them I'm hearing impaired if I missed something and ask them to repeat something. It is very annoying to me when people raise their voices too much. Jeeebus, I hate that. When people speak up TOO much, I say to them, "there's no...
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    Deaf student proved doctors wrong; she's headed to Yale

    deafdyke, What's your deal? That girl toughed it out and you're raining on the parade. FYI - $2,000 scholarship doesn't go far, considering the cost of higher education these days, especially out-of-state tuition at Yale.
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    Broadband could help deaf people make phone calls

    I'm not sure if many of you are aware, but Sprint has a suite of relay services available. Not sure about the cost and this seems to be geared more towards business applications.
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    Sound detector hope for the deaf

    Personally, I think stem cell research yields the greatest hope to finding a solution to nerve deafness.
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    County program assists abused deaf women

    Forgive my ignorance but what is a "superstar?" Interesting hypothesis, nonetheless. Personally I would say that even folks with normal hearing have difficulty leaving the abuser because they feel there is nobody else for them. Remember that "normal" people (is there really such a thing)...
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    Communication Breakdown Lands Deaf Driver In Jail

    There is most likely more to the situation than the media has reported. In any case, when you make contact with the police, it is YOUR responsibility to do everything in your power to make the officer aware that you're deaf/hard of hearing. No exceptions! Don't make them guess, tell them...
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    Lincoln & Kennedy (goosebumps)

    Whenever I get chain e-mails, I go to Snopes to get the "straight dope." Lincoln & Kennedy:
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    Roommates from Hell!

    I've had 14 roommates in the past 7 years and only 2 of them I would say were true pains in the ass. One of them was very violent when he was drunk and liked to vandalize things. I walked in on him beating his girlfriend up, and knocked him the fuck out when he told me it wasn't my business...
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    Just saying hi! :bye: My name is Dave, I'm 24 y/o, I was born profoundly deaf in both ears, wear HAs, I'm completely oral (still slip up with hard "S"), endured speech therapy ages 3-14, was mainstreamed in school K-12, graduated with a Bachelor's in Communication from Michigan State...