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    Should We Refuse the Bailout for the BIG 3?

    I didn't read the whole thread after this one, BUT I agree with THIS!
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    Need advice on how to handle/take care of a puppy

    Ohh, Ms. Bucket's correct! I forgot abot Parvo! A lot of people don't realise that they end up losing the puppy to parvo then losing their older pets to symptoms of parvo as well. You do have to disinfect your home as well. Plus, parvo stays on the ground, anywhere the sick puppy has...
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    Need advice on how to handle/take care of a puppy

    Again, the vet before puppy food----I'd start feeding soft puppy food first. Age and weight before figuring out amount of food and what kind of food to feed. Also to check for parasites. My "puppy" is now 2 but she came to me from an unhappy home (for her). she was taken too soon from her...
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    Need advice on how to handle/take care of a puppy

    Like Vampy said, take the puppy to the vet to get checked out and to determine age. HOPEFULLY the puppy's older than 8 wks. It's not good to take away from Mama before 8 wks. The puppy needs someone who truly cares and I hope he will have a good home filled with love and discipline.
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    Duggars Family... When Will It End?

    I guess the Duggars are Catholics? Not sure, but the Catholic Church is not too big on birth control? Never mind me.....I'm tired and just messing around on AD after a very long day at a medieval faire.
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    How are you Affected by the Economy?

    Yea, I read about that in the paper recently. Not enough orders so slow down for a couple weeks. My guy and his co workers have been getting decreased hours but as long as people are still eating out, they are still needed. It works just fine because my guy is working two jobs. One for us...
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    Proof of Near-Death Experiences?

    I don't think this would be a NDE event (no white light, no angels, no music etc)but I almost died in a car accident in 1997. I passed out upon impact by a van hitting on my side and bent my convertible in a curve. I was out cold for 40 minutes. When I came to, I kept passing out on and off. I...
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    Sorenson VCO - experience?

    Can any cell phone be used? Say I have a friend whose phone is right here, can i use that phone to do a VCO? Might be good for the kids to talk to their grandparents!!!
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    Surprise: Lean times may actually make you fat

    Free Bikes? Look for them at move out places, garage sales, etc. If not totally free, but a few dollars. Who cares what kind bike we ride if safe and okay. People move and can't take everything... Almost picked up a free grill but I figured someone else would need one. So left it alone. Boom...
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    How do you cope with Separation/Divorce?

    JeepGirl I feel your pain. It's a traumatic loss, even if it's 50-50. It's gonna hurt for a while, but you will become stronger and much better for it. You will heal. I was with a guy for four and half years. Lived together most of the time in a nice townhouse, a boat and working together...
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    How are you Affected by the Economy?

    Also check into thrift, consignment shops, even Goodwill for lower cost clothing for your child. Let people know you are open to curbside shopping, bags of free clothing. Some neighbors and I pass around clothing. I keep an eye out for bulk dumping in neighborhood and see if it's decent enough...
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    How are you Affected by the Economy?

    Have you looked into WIC (Women, Infants and Children). If you meet the income guidelines, they will give you checks for free milk, cheese, cereal, etc. The catch is that you have to go every 6 months or so to recertify. It helps a lot of people living paycheck to paycheck. Have you looked...
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    How are you Affected by the Economy?

    Dixie, Is the company you are working for right now the one that just got fined $10 million in fines for illegal immigrant hires and whose CEO that just got arrested for "promoting" immigrant hire fraud? Or is it ConAgra? I can't remmy which company but it was in the news recently. Shel...
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    My Mac was stolen this morning and I feel like kicking myself.

    Oooh that sux. I'm sorry this happened to you. Wherever you can, get a dog. Dogs are great theft deterrents. Yes, a canopy was stolen outside but one of my dogs, only five months old, was barking aggressively at 4am. I didn't see anything but I knew she was having issues. My guy had to learn an...
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    How are you Affected by the Economy?

    Cut back on spending. No more dinners out for a while. No buying unless absolutely neccessary. Stayed at home over the last vacation instead of going somewhere and worked on the business. Not going up to the farm again this year. Staying here for Thanksgiving AND Christmas. Less meat in...
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    Snow in October???

    Oh yea, the secret's in layering but you couldn't do the same with your feet!! If you don't wear the right socks, you don't skate too good---in my opinion.We were pretty warm.....except for feet! We came up from a dairy farm near Watertown, NY and we were ready for the weather but man, the feet...
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    Snow in October???

    That "rink" was fabulously fun. I went skating at 7pm 13 degrees below zero. MAN WAS IT FREEZING!! But so MUCH FUN!! I loved how everyone went all out and did the fun things. Had little things going on all over the place.
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    What states are the cheaper place to live?

    Whoever said about the weather extremes in Spokane sounds right. My guy has family out there. I haven't been out there yet. Not too keen on flying 10 hours with lil ones, even though they are great at flying... Just too dang long with stopovers. Ugh.
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    What states are the cheaper place to live?

    Someone said on this thread that Miami is expensive but fun. That's why I love it. I lived in Miami for 13 years. I stopped working when it was time to have the baby and never went back to work for an employer. Rents went up big time that year so I left three years earlier than planned. If I...
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    it's serious news!

    Hey Pinky, I'm so sorry to hear about your step-dad having pancreatic cancer. May all of you and your family continue to get the strength for the next couple of weeks ahead. I'll be pulling for you.