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  1. M

    Any of u or know someone was Gay-bashing?

    I know. If you compare cities... You will say that city is safer than another city for _____.
  2. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries #2

    God! Please do! I hate them so much! You don't like Art Deco skyscrapers? They're beautiful in the 20s/30s like Chrysler Building, Empire State Building, Trump Building, Seattle Tower, and ones in Detriot, Michigan. It looks more like 50s/60s to me. 70s skyscrapers are usually nicer than...
  3. M

    Any of u or know someone was Gay-bashing?

    ^^^ Sorry to hear that. :( My several hearing gay friends got attacked in Atlanta, Georgia before. That's why they left Atlanta and moved here in Seattle, Washington. I was surprised because Atlanta is third largest gay community behind San Fransisco and Seattle. I expect Atlanta to be more...
  4. M

    A little strange thread.....

    Yes I did. Done that before. Yes all the time. Ellen Degeneres and Reichen Lehmkuhl. They're my favorites! :)
  5. M

    Matthew Shepard Act is getting closer!

    ASLGAL, Your quotes messed up. "Over 3,000 of our soldiers have been killed. Over 700,000 Iraqis have been killed and over 3,700 civilians have been killed in Afghanistan. We’ve spent about $186 billion on the Iraq war and about $66 billion on the war in Afghanistan and we’ve not touched...
  6. M

    Dear Joshua

    Dial 9-1-1. If you have kids or pets... Take them out of the house and wait until firefighters arrives and let them do the job. If your house burn down... Hope you have an insurance to rebuild your house. This time make sure you add the sprinkles and get some fire Extinguishers (one for your...
  7. M

    Dear Joshua

    Anything what you have in your mind. :)
  8. M

    Any Deaf Interior Designer Out There?

    I'm sorry I can't do that on here. I can show you from email.
  9. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries #2

    I agree that is ones of ugliest skyscrapers! Eugene, Oregon got ones of ugliest skyscrapers. When I look at them and made me wanting to vomit. I didn't take the pictures of it.
  10. M

    I have questions for deaf people who goes or went to colleges

    WOW!!!! That is amazing!!! I'm glad you fought for your education and rights to learn! You proved them wrong! Keep it up! :) I completely agree with you about educate hearing people about deaf people. That is exactly what I am doing lately! :)
  11. M

    ....Starbucks varies, anyone?

    Well... Men tits pop out too. I feel mine when I'm really freezing. :)
  12. M

    :( Britney Spear LOST Custody two sons

    I'm aware of Michael Jackson situation but they haven't take his kids away from him yet. You're right! I totally forget about Nicole Richie! I won't be surprised if it happens to her too.
  13. M

    ....Starbucks varies, anyone?

    Just eat it with warm clothes on it. Silly!
  14. M

    Skyscrapers in other countries #2

    LOL! That is not skyscraper. Any building with 12 stories and up are considered as skyscraper. The one you showed that is low rise building.
  15. M

    :( Britney Spear LOST Custody two sons

    Britany Spears got what she deserved. I don't think Kevin would be good father at all. What's next? Michael Jackson? Paris Hilton's future kids?
  16. M

    Dear Joshua

    :) That's spirit! :)
  17. M

    Dear Joshua

    Why not you try to find something to bring up on that thread to keep it active?
  18. M

    Any Deaf Interior Designer Out There?

    Aww thanks! Believe it or not, I have already thinking about that a while ago. I might consider that once I get more experiences first.
  19. M

    ....Starbucks varies, anyone?

    LMAO!!! Maybe I'm somewhat weirdier than you do... I usually order Starbucks Frappuccino drinks during freezing weathers and drink it outside. I also eat ice cream outside while it snowing (under 25 degree at night time). It is hella a lot of fun! Anyone should try that! :)