Search results

  1. christlovedeaf

    if you have baby one days and taking to baptism?

    I, myself, doesnt believe in baby baptism. But, i do believe to dedicate your child to God and pray for. Bec baptism represent, after a person gave their lives to Christ. Baptism isnt for salvation or anything. As Jesus said, "Go ye therefore teach all nation and baptize them, in the Name of the...
  2. christlovedeaf

    Because Bible said so!

    not really, bec Jesus said for those who are in Christ who will spend eternity with God, we will be higher than the angels
  3. christlovedeaf

    Because Bible said so!

    There are different ways how they use the word, "Bible says so". It's depend on the topic. For instance, many verses there people quote do misusing them. Using the Bible must have life applications, the purpose of writing( this part is must know the reason why its written, its relating...
  4. christlovedeaf

    who do you think that really killed Jesus?

    The movie Passion of Christ key point is the purpose of Jesus' death and what has happened. Also, true, religious leaders hated the Roman power, but God has a plan of the timing for New Covenant for all people. Roman leader asked people who they choose to be free. Barabas. Who is Barabas? The...
  5. christlovedeaf

    How to solve courtroom injustice?

    Thats a good way to see what is going on in the legal system. Many has been also been tainted by DA, detectives and the judges. There are so much in the legal system has been violating the constitutions. Many times we get so easily fooled by the media, but not the media itself. But the people of...
  6. christlovedeaf

    Senate drops gays from hate crimes bill

    i lost it somewhere. and cant remember where i find it. In oklahoma, gay man was murdered by skinhead. In Oklahoma, if someone who is anti gay killed a gay person, will not be consider as a hate crime. In oklahomo law consider as hate crime only as racial issues, not sexual orient.
  7. christlovedeaf

    What Does Christmas Mean To You?

    Christmas is one of my favorites. Christmas is all about love and giving, not just material giving, but yourself. Key part of Christmas, even tho, Jesus isnt born that day, but remember of His Birth, by giving up all His glory to come down to become human like us, and the one i love is to...
  8. christlovedeaf

    Now Been Announced

    Thanks, puyo!!!!:D
  9. christlovedeaf

    Can A Big Age Difference Between Two People Hurt The Relationship?

    i agree with vamp, its base on btwn the two if they truly love or not. But sadly, today's society ignore that part. It's nothing but self centered what "I" feel, not what the two feels.
  10. christlovedeaf

    Now Been Announced

    Toledo, Ohio is 3rd most livable place in the world. 2nd is Lyon, France,, 1st place is one of the city in Sweden. I was impressed by that announcement. Congrats to the city of Toledo. Maumee, Ohio (Toledo suburban was named All- American city of 2007. This sure must be a special place here...
  11. christlovedeaf

    Football Season is here woohooo!!!

    Dallas And Green Bay Will Be Shown On Nfl Channel, And Have One Here And Live With Roommates. Here Is Full Blooded Packers Fan. Dallas Is One Of My Worse. I Grew Up In Oklahomo And Tired To Hear About Dallas Cowboys, Ugh And I Think The Owner Of The Cowboys Is The Worse Sportmanship Of Any...
  12. christlovedeaf

    Toledo, Ohio, Most Liveable City In Da World?

    I'm surprise by the news announcement, in London, leaders from all over the world gathered and share their testimonies about their city. Oddly, Toledo, Ohio been picked one of the final 5 along with other cities in China, France, New Zealand and not know what other city is. Announcement will be...
  13. christlovedeaf

    Can A Big Age Difference Between Two People Hurt The Relationship?

    HEHE, well, todays laws in many way are for only in political issues and "business" to make money. Those days in the past using common sense, but not today. There are some things I agree in some way, but sadly, many abusing it and lead many innocent people in bad name and lack of info of the...
  14. christlovedeaf

    "God hates intolerance"

    It is tragic. That is why I myself have to be cautious who are teaching. Many think they do right thing from God, but they have not.They misusing the scriptures out of hates just like the pharisees are doing. They are very unchristlikeness.
  15. christlovedeaf

    What do you agree that Sex-offender parents pose dilemma for schools?

    Bear, I hope your son will be out, I dont know what they will do next. They just keep catching up to keep the name bad. Yeah, leaving state wont do any better. but other town can help. Some states like oklahoma is very bad place to live. As I see, as friend of mine considering move here in Ohio...
  16. christlovedeaf

    What do you agree that Sex-offender parents pose dilemma for schools?

    that would be the problem. just like bear described, maany will exaggerate the story. Like friend of mine lost soo much weight and cried prefusely and turmoil hes been going thru. What Bear shared about the situation is not surprising at all. Bec, we cant just throw them out. The problem is we...
  17. christlovedeaf

    What do you agree that Sex-offender parents pose dilemma for schools?

    I believe it. That is exactly what happen to friend of mine. The court will not provide interpreter bec "he lost his rights", bec of sex offender. The question is, why allow on other crimes even horrendous crime, but not sex offenders which does NOT harm anyone. That is why legal system is very...
  18. christlovedeaf

    What do you agree that Sex-offender parents pose dilemma for schools?

    for those who knows him and been with.
  19. christlovedeaf

    What do you agree that Sex-offender parents pose dilemma for schools?

    far beyond than outrageous and i say its nauseating too. Now in days, law workers job is no longer just protect society, but stealing and destroying their reputation. Speaking those who has been accuse or been taking advantage of. There are humongous of people suffer thru this. I look at the...