Search results

  1. DeafRaptor

    Am I deaf?

    I think I finally understand :lol:. I personally feel that "deaf" covers that sufficiently for my use (it may cover a range of "deafness", but at it's end is your word "DEAF") and "Deaf" covers the alternative meaning. I am not saying you can't use that word from now on, actually go ahead as...
  2. DeafRaptor

    Deaf Groupies???

    I like the show too, but hearing people wanting a deaf character or deaf person in real life to change to fit their values is very off-putting (putting it very lightly). I am deaf and chose to not speak in general. I have to admit, if I was dating somone like the character Emmett (so...
  3. DeafRaptor

    The truth about me, Fuzzy...

    I AM anti-CI, but for MYSELF and am 100% glad I was never implanted as a child (didn't meet the criteria at the time, but still). I feel hurt when people close to me (my aunt) want me to get a CI or other applicable hearing-related surgery, especially after they indicated they and other...
  4. DeafRaptor

    Surprise from Applebee's Server

    :aw: It's great that you were so inspired. (I think I can guess who you are referring to and yeah she can be very inspiring.) Glad to have you with us, here at
  5. DeafRaptor

    The truth about me, Fuzzy...

    Thank you for sharing that, Fuzzy. From personal experience (and what I've learned from the work earning my Psychology degree has helped), I know how frustrating it can be for people to come to the wrong conclusions about one's views. It's one thing for people to disagree with your views and...
  6. DeafRaptor

    Questions Regarding Care! Please help! :)

    :wave: It's nothing to do personally with you, but don't be surprised if you get only a few responses. From what I have seen, every now and again there are rashes of surveys and things from students. I am fairly new to (but not deafness), so I may still have patience in reserve.
  7. DeafRaptor

    Do you dream in Sign?

    Last night, I finally had my first dream where someone was signing and I was the individual signing. What was I signing? I was signing to my grandmother and other relatives about my decision to identify as deaf/Deaf vice hard of hearing and to use ASL as my primary language vice spoken English...
  8. DeafRaptor

    Using Sign Language Voice Off....

    :wave: Good for you! I am transitioning to completely voice off too. When I am at home, I just sign, but then my sister knows as much sign as I do, so I am in good company (maybe you need to find people to sign with where you don't have to "fall back on" voice). When I am in public, I sign...
  9. DeafRaptor

    I have a question...

    That's why I haven't broken the news to my family yet (except for my twin sister who is SO supportive) that I am embracing Deaf and leaving Audism behind. Even if I were to mention it, I'm not sure if they would believe me that I know they did their best and I don't blame them for how I was...
  10. DeafRaptor

    Deaf Groupies???

    I just thought of something. I think growing up and being taught by teachers how to be a "hard-of-hearing" audist, I wanted hearing people to be my hard-of-hearing-groupies! :lol: I think during college as a "hard-of-hearing" audist looking in, I was the "hard-of-hearing" Deaf-groupie. But...
  11. DeafRaptor

    support how tough my feeling

    I posted this already on your mother's guestbook, but I thought I'd post here too. Travis and family, I've heard wonderful things about your mother on I know this will be a hard time for you all since she was much loved, but know she will always be in your heart to make you...
  12. DeafRaptor

    Surprise from Applebee's Server

    Oh YES! I gave her a nice big tip, I wrote a thank you note on the check, and I filled out the survey online about my visit with highest remarks.
  13. DeafRaptor

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    I've read a lot of interesting posts here, but I wanted to comment on this one. By the way, I am not trying to convert anyone; I know some people are sensitive about religious talk. Just my views include religious ones and would not make sense without talking about religion. I believe God has...
  14. DeafRaptor

    pain from sounds?

    You might be/probably are right about the "electromagnetic field". I am glad that you were able to assimilate to your hearing aids and that you can experience and appreciate all the sounds that they provide for you. They can definitely be a wonderful gift for some people. I also understand...
  15. DeafRaptor

    Surprise from Applebee's Server

    My sister and I went to Applebees at 127 East Broad Street in Falls Church, VA yesterday for a late-night dinner. We had my service dog and my sister's service dog-in-training and we were prepared to write down our orders to give to the server. We felt prepared for anything. When the...
  16. DeafRaptor

    Needs to escape from wearing HAs

    I encourage you to not wear your heaing aids when you're tired and worn out from having to listen. For the last few weeks I have given up wearing hearing aids at home (sign with my sister), public (use pen/paper), and at work (use interpreters for meetings and training) except when I have one...
  17. DeafRaptor

    What happens when you don't know where your CI/HA is at all times....

    I accidentally got smacked at the side of my head a couple times (once playing baseball with my brothers as a kid and another time doing who knows what as an adult). I don't remember how much if any damage there was for the BTE hearing aid as a child, but as an adult I had an ITE hearing aid...
  18. DeafRaptor

    I'm Hard of Hearing

    :wave: The sentences in bold are ones that I could say as well. I have recently started identifying myself as deaf/Deaf :deaf:, using ASL, and stopped using hearing aids. As far as your other sentences, I learned alot about the Deaf community by attending University of Michigan in Ann...
  19. DeafRaptor

    Am I deaf?

    I went through the same thing. At first (in elementary school), I thought that since I was given hearing aids and mainstreamed that the adults were telling me that I was the same as everyone else (including hearing - like hearing aids were a cure). I thought it was cool to identify myself as...
  20. DeafRaptor

    A 5.9 Earthquake hits Va; felt all the way up in New York

    :wave: Like Roca and deafskeptic, I am in NOVA and <100 miles/<2 hour drive from the epicenter. Everyone I know here felt it and we are all fine. I was at a restaurant eating a late lunch and at first I didn't think it was an eathquake, until I came back to the office to find everyone evacuated...