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  1. DeafRaptor

    Deaf or HoH?

    Whether or not he perceived some slight when he learned that you are able to use the phone after you said you were deaf versus hoh, does not give him the excuse to be an 4$$ (please excuse my 'french') about it.
  2. DeafRaptor

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Glad that at least the terp was there and was good, sorry to hear that the visit wasn't great. As I mentioned, I am trying to setup my own ENT appointment, and I am praying I don't have to deal with that or worse. Hope that you and I are both able to find some answers we are looking for.
  3. DeafRaptor

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Wow! :roll: I don't think your hearing boss has any say or right in whether you use your voice or not. :mad: I agree that that is your choice and she should respect that! I think it was very rude that the deaf brother tried to say that "deaf people who don't use their voice are not equal to...
  4. DeafRaptor

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Some of my beliefs on rudeness are as follows: Rudeness does not have anything to do with hearing/deafness status (or any other characteristic), so I agree that there can be rude hearing and rude deaf. When a hearing person is rude towards a deaf person (and vice versa), it sometimes is due to...
  5. DeafRaptor

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    THExistential, :hug: :wave: welcome to AllDeaf! I know very well of that feeling of being denied access to my community and I remember that feeling of finally belonging when I first came across this forum. It was like nothing I have felt before. Don't worry about the long post, I've been...
  6. DeafRaptor

    Ever been insulted for being deaf?

    I admit that I had developed a bit of a temper :pissed: after being constantly frustrated with mainstream school, not being able to communicate well with anyone, and not being able to do anything about it (learned helplessness). When we were all still very young, my two brothers and my twin...
  7. DeafRaptor

    Anxiety and Labyrinthitis?

    :shock: And here I thought it was all in my head. Do you happen to have a link to a website I can print out to post on my cubicle wall at work? I am trying to educate my new coworkers as much as possible with what I go through. :ty: Thanks for sharing.
  8. DeafRaptor

    Today is the day...

    :bump::hug: Good luck, Dixie! :thumb::ily:
  9. DeafRaptor

    Can deaf ever become Deaf?

    Watching a lot of threads, I have noticed that a few people will get confused when certain terminology is used :hmm:, so I want to try and maybe clarify something (please note that definitions for these words can and do change from person to person and context to context). Moggy, :wave...
  10. DeafRaptor

    Frustrated with my voice volume

  11. DeafRaptor

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    :lol: I know that in her story she established that her friend's boyfriend has a hard time understanding her. When I said that I would have told him (enter paragraph here), I didn't mean if I was her, in her place, and had the same trouble with being understood by the friend's boyfriend. I was...
  12. DeafRaptor

    Annoying ignorant hearing people stories

    Cute that the dog got it so quick, :giggle: but your friend's boyfriend didn't :roll:. This is what I would have told your friend's boyfriend had I been there. (This is supposed to be very light-hearted versus lecturing or scolding) "Most spoken English makes no sense to a dog until over...
  13. DeafRaptor

    Frustrated with my voice volume

    I understand how hard it is right now for you and I think you can get there :cool2:. I may have been able to write that I will just change to sign if someone is unhappy with my hearing and/or speech/volume, but it is a lot harder in action, especially with family/friends/very close...
  14. DeafRaptor

    Frustrated with my voice volume

    Hi Lily, my sister, who ended up being the English major - go figure, was and is always correctly my speech. Now, whenever I don't pronounce it right (due to not knowing how to form the word due to my hearing loss) or my grammar was incorrect, I just tell them that I don't care (especially...
  15. DeafRaptor

    Does anyone else feel like their life was ruined by mainstream school

    Thanks deafdyke. It is very comforting knowing that, while I may have had bad experiences (that I wouldn't wish on anyone) because of how people reacted to my deafness, (even though I thought so at one time) I am not alone. One other thing I wanted to mention. Even letting go of the...
  16. DeafRaptor

    For those who suport NCLB..take a hard look at this cartoon

    I believe that English is an incredibly useful tool here in the US; I don't believe that it is unnecessary (except maybe as a primary language, but instead be placed in secondary status for deaf/hh). The only thing I wanted to address is your comment on legally binding contracts (please note...
  17. DeafRaptor

    Does anyone else feel like their life was ruined by mainstream school

    I was, very unfortunately, mainstreamed my whole life (from Kindergarten through college). I say this even though, at the time, I had only mild to moderate hearing loss. Some people would say I was an oral success, but I would strongly disagree. Yes, academically I did very well (salutatorian...
  18. DeafRaptor

    Can deaf ever become Deaf?

    Lily, :wave: :gpost: I feel that we are on the same journey. I was born "hard of hearing" starting with mild to moderate hearing loss. At a pediatrician's office, I failed a hearing test, but they attributed it to me being uncooperative. Later, I failed again when I had my first hearing test...
  19. DeafRaptor

    Anxiety and Labyrinthitis?

    That's a good idea, thanks. Although, I think I will get mixed results about them pausing or not when it is a large meeting, haha.