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  1. H


    Generally the qualification is FDA approval, so likely, yes. Just a clarification--insurance companies don't determine eligibility==whom ever bought the policy does--so likely your employer. I have yet to see an insurance company that doesn't have the option to include cochlear implants in a...
  2. H


    My audiologist said that the hybrid will open up the qualifying for this implant for those that may not qualify for a strict CI so maybe you will be a candidate now. Their clinic was part of the trial.
  3. H

    Published on Mar 20, 2014, a you tube about CI...

    Really???? "Audists not welcome" is so friendly....:shock:
  4. H

    Published on Mar 20, 2014, a you tube about CI...

    Why are you on this board if you don't use HA's or CI's???
  5. H

    To Implant or not..

    There is a huge difference in speech understanding between severe and profound. I moved between the two a couple years ago and now that I have nearly perfect hearing with my CI, I can't believe how much I was missing and how much work it was just to try to hear people. I would say that my CI...
  6. H

    Published on Mar 20, 2014, a you tube about CI...

    Maybe if they want the deaf and HOH to pay attention they should add closed captions....
  7. H


    Yes, I've always donated my HA's after I can't use them. I have kept my most recent pair after I upgraded for back ups and then donate the pair before those. Now that I have CI's, I've donated all of my HA's.
  8. H

    Did you see story about AB on "Today"?

    In many cases it is......providing you have the education and skills to do the job.. Again, tell me what more do you want the world to do for you. There IS only so much you can do if you can't hear. Sorry, it just is what it is.
  9. H

    Did you see story about AB on "Today"?

    I agree--yes, it's still surgery, but compared to other surgeries, the procedure for an CI is pretty minor and minimally invasive, recovery is pretty quick and pain is very minimal for most.
  10. H

    To Implant or not..

    If he has picked that up in just over 2 weeks it's a pretty good sign that he is hearing and life is good.
  11. H

    Did you see story about AB on "Today"?

    There are compromises....interpreters, assisted hearing devices, TTY, etc. What else do you want people to do? You are deaf or hard of hearing, it is what it is. I'm also deaf/hard of hearing and I've learned to work around that just like I've learned that if I need to reach the top shelf I...
  12. H

    Did you see story about AB on "Today"?

    Ok, I'm confused---parents that want their deaf children to be able to hear are bad, but growing up deaf is bad because you can't find a job? Yes, the job market is limited for those that can't hear, much like someone without legs probably can't be a fireman. You learn to deal with it by...
  13. H

    Did you see story about AB on "Today"?

    Well, geee... the title of this board is Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants.....:wave:
  14. H

    Did you see story about AB on "Today"?

    Yep--I adapted by getting a CI! Sorry, I've lived in the hearing world and the deaf world and will take the hearing world any day!
  15. H

    I got 6 good years of extreme use out of my Phonaks.

    Costco just partnered with Phonak and will be selling them at their stores for a huge discount, just under $1200. Might be worth looking into.
  16. H

    t-Coils or Bluetooth?

    As far as I know you still have to use another device to use the BT, Compilot or something similar. I'm not aware of any HA's that can directly connect to bluetooth.
  17. H

    t-Coils or Bluetooth?

    Limited experience but my husband has an S4 and the sound clarity is very, very good with HA's and CI's. I have a Droid Razr and have had other Android based phones and some Blackberrys and they are no where near as good for sound quality. I hated my t-coil in my HA's--not sure if it was the...
  18. H

    Might be looking into getting CI

    I could have posted all of that 6 months ago, pre CI!! It's just not the same. Life is so much better with a CI. I go to movies, go out to eat and UNDERSTAND everything!! It's just wonderful.
  19. H

    Which Cochlear Implant is best?

    AB has the best technology on the market and the most capability for more upgrades in the internal implant than any of the others. Interesting that you discounted Med-el right away. Of the 3 companies I would but them 2nd behind AB. You just don't have the same potential with Cochlear as you...
  20. H

    Hearing Aid Quirks

    When I had a cold or my ears were plugged up my HA's fit differently. They would slide out, not pop, so they were not fully inserted. We tried changing the vent tube size and that helped a little but mostly I just had to wait for the cold to go away and then they would fit right again. So...