Search results

  1. H

    CI on head ?

    There should be enough play in the electrodes to move the implant a little, usually anyway. It's just hard to wear glasses and the processor normally but if they did not give you enough space to fit your processor, that's another issue.
  2. H

    Do those of you who are HH or with a CI have tricks to understanding the world?

    Advanced Bionics Clix is Apple friendly. They recently updated the program and it has more functionality. Angel Sounds has an app in the Apple Store to use on an Iphone or Ipad.
  3. H

    CI on head ?

    Is the bump your actual implant? If your processor won't fit under the implant, they can do a repositioning surgery. If the bump isn't your implant, you might still have some swelling or an infection that is causing swelling.
  4. H

    Do those of you who are HH or with a CI have tricks to understanding the world?

    I just listen with my CI? Maybe do some more rehab on Angel Sounds or any of the other free programs to increase your understanding?
  5. H

    Cochlear or Advanced Bionics?

    Advanced Bionics is heads and tails better than Cochlear. The technology is cutting edge and the results of the new processor/implant have far exceeded an other brand in sound quality and speech perception results. Cochlear has maxed out the available technology in their implants where AB has...
  6. H

    Psychological evaluation for CI

    I had to do the psych exam as well. It is part of "medically" qualifying and while my Dr. did not require it, my insurance company did. It was mainly to see if I was prepared to deal with having CI's, if I was committed to using them and the rehab involved to learn to hear again. I think a...
  7. H

    insurance frustration

    I've also never gotten insurance to pay for HA's. My last set before my CI's were $6600. Count yourself lucky that your insurance gives you anything.
  8. H

    MRI in 2 weeks

    Does the MRI place know you have an implant? When I was talking to the MRI place before my implant, they said they do not do MRI's on anyone with any implant, even if the implant is rated to use MRI's. They did not want to be liable for any damage.
  9. H

    Been referred for a cochlear implant

    I lost about 50% of my hearing in my late 20's and it gradually went down from there. Finally got to the point were understanding what was being said just was not there and a friend suggested I look into CI' here I am 2 years later and loving life :D.
  10. H

    Been referred for a cochlear implant

    30% speech scores with HA's to 98/100% speech scores with bilateral implants....enough said :D It's too bad the UK (and Canada) can't get with the program and give you 2 working ears....
  11. H

    How long did you..

    For my first implant, I couldn't sleep on that side for 6 months or so. With my second, it was only a few weeks. Make sure you do not have too many magnets or your magnet is too strong. The can cause all kinds of problems/pain too.
  12. H

    Need your opinions ci user

    Maybe he needs to see another ENT, fresh eyes on the problem. I don't think that the CI is to blame for his issues, rather something else is going on and maybe the CI made it worse or maybe he would have been in this same spot either way. Removing his CI is just going to make it so he can't...
  13. H

    Behind the Ear hearing aids to Cochlear Implants

    It often does sound like Mickey Mouse at the start but that normalizes over time. My CI's are far, far, far better than anything I ever got with HA's. I was getting about 30% speech perception with my 2 year old, top of the line digital hearing aids pre-implants. I score 100% speech now (one...
  14. H

    CI Seminar

    My right ear has AZ Bio speech scores of 98%, single word, in noise, my left ear, same test, 100%....up from 27% pre CI. The single word scores are the harder tests since there is no reference in the context of a sentence. I score 100% in both in the AZ Bio sentence score (4 different voices...
  15. H

    Cochlear Insurance question

    I've talked to a few people who could not get the hybrid covered by their insurance, even though it is FDA approved, it was still considered experimental. As someone that had similar speech scores, I wouldn't personally bother with the hybrid and look at other options for her with just straight...
  16. H

    To All CI users.

    Each manufacture has a forum similar to this website. I've been watching the other two companies websites-I registered at all of them when I was trying to decide. I have yet to see anyone achieve the results people are getting with the mid-scala implant and Naida with the other brands. Most...
  17. H

    Problems with Advanced Bionics Naida CI

    The batteries are not supposed to be in the dry and store, just the processor and headpiece.
  18. H

    BTE controller vs bodyworn controller

    For HA's or CI's? I have BTE and a "body worn" Neptune. I use my BTE every day and the Neptune when I am doing anything where the processor might get wet. It's nice not having something on your ear, but the sound quality just isn't the same as it is with the Naida I wear BTE--it's still very...
  19. H

    Intro with questions about choosing a CI...

    AB user here too, 98% and 100% speech scores after 10 and 3 months post activation....can't argue with those results :D
  20. H

    How much better with CI over Aids

    Well, most insurances DO cover CI's and VERY few cover hearing aids...Medicare and Medicaid also cover CI's so it's certainly not a "class" thing :roll:. Everyone has access to insurance now btw....