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  1. H

    Problems with buzzing

    I used an 80 IDR for over 6 was just too much. It's great that it works for you, but most people can not use an IDR that high. I remember quite well what sounds are and this was just too much extraneous noise.
  2. H

    Problems with buzzing

    I disagree...and I was just commenting on her assumption that since she was born hearing that an 80 IDR is ok. Others that I know that had an 80 IDR report the same noise issues as well.
  3. H

    Problems with buzzing

    I'd set up an appointment with your audi again and have them either have an AB rep on hand or call one during your appointment. I'd still look a the IDR. I was born hearing but when I tried an IDR of 80, it was too much and I had a constant background noise, not buzzing, more like a fan sound...
  4. H

    Problems with buzzing

    An IDR of 80 is going to be very noisy and could be the source of your buzz. Back that down to 75 and see if it helps. Also, when you go in for your next map, ask your audi to balance your electrodes. I had some issues with extraneous noise and brought down the M levels in the lowest...
  5. H

    Problems with buzzing

    It's a programming issue. You are still pretty new to all of this so it will get better with time. When do you go back for your next mapping?
  6. H

    For adults who were BORN deaf & transitioned from HA to CI

    normal [nawr-muh l] Spell Syllables Examples Word Origin adjective 1. conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural. 2. serving to establish a standard. 3. Psychology. approximately average in any psychological trait, as intelligence...
  7. H

    Cochlear Insurance question

    I'm glad the insurance worked out for you!! For others that may find themselves in a similar situation, I would suggest getting a private plan for whomever needs the surgery, and then drop the plan when you are done. You will likely have to cover mapping appointments so keep the plan for a...
  8. H

    For adults who were BORN deaf & transitioned from HA to CI

    Maybe because you are on the CI/HA board and no one here really wants to hear "learn sign language"....:D
  9. H

    hearing aid appointment issue

    In the meantime...put your battery into your HA, wait about 15 seconds to put it on and you should miss most of the beeps.
  10. H

    Autoimmune disease & CI? (not the ears though!)

    Having an autoimmune disorder will not be an automatic disqualifier but if the ENT thinks there may be an issue with it affecting the outcome, it could. That would an case by case decision. As for the Hybrid....please look at the thread going about hybrids already....if you need a CI, get a...
  11. H

    How long did you wait to find out outcome of Cochlear Implant assessments?

    About 35 seconds. Our health insurance has an online process for the doctors and they simply put in the info and get a decision back right away. I knew before I left the doctors office for both of my implants.
  12. H

    Need A Suggestion?

    Just replying to someone who constantly bashes HA's and CI's...and sign language is not the answer to hearing problems because guess what, hardly anyone KNOWS sign language so it's just as bad as not being able to hear. It's also pretty difficult to use sign language over the phone, in meetings...
  13. H

    Is Cochlear Implant suitable to me?

    27% in my right ear and 30%, in my left and about 5% in noise pre-surgery, 100% both ears 1+ years after surgery :D. That is both AZ Bio single word and sentence scores and 85% in noise for both. I hear just fine in restaurants and such, probably better than those with "normal" hearing...
  14. H

    Need A Suggestion?

    Why are you on the Hearing Aid/Cochlear Implant's getting old, very old.... Sign language sucks......
  15. H

    Is Cochlear Implant suitable to me?

    Sounds like you would qualify for a CI. It would be worth checking into.
  16. H

    looking for recent hybrid CI news

    I used to do that too....I no longer have to though :D The compilot is nice but I rarely use it any more, just don't need to. I do use it if I'm watching a movie on my computer and hubs is watching something on TV. I use my Neptune when I work out and connect my Ipad to my Neptune. It works...
  17. H

    looking for recent hybrid CI news

    Pretty much everyone starts out with the robot sounds. It does take some time to adapt, however, with the better technology available in the other two implants, after a few months, your hearing should sound pretty normal, especially with your hearing history. There are times when my hearing is...
  18. H

    looking for recent hybrid CI news

    It's your decision, but I think your surgeon is wrong about the outcome of your surgery based on the only available technology to go that route. :D. I just hate to see you end up in a situation where you regret your decision.
  19. H

    looking for recent hybrid CI news

    That is not necessarily true. I qualified for the hybrid and the traditional CI.
  20. H

    looking for recent hybrid CI news

    I had sudden loss when I was 30, about 50% loss in both ears. My hearing has gradually declined since to the point I really struggled understanding. My aided scores pre-implant were in the 30% range. I had near perfect low frequency hearing before implant and then a sharp ski slope loss after...