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  1. H

    Question for ADULTS who opted for CI in ADULTHOOD

    HA's were just not working for me any longer. I did a lot of research. I have AB's mid scala and I haven't regretted my decision. I'm now hearing things my hearing friends can't hear. Most people don't notice my processor unless I point it out. It matches my hair color pretty well. I have...
  2. H

    Aqua+ for Nucleus 6

    cochlear implant HELP This is a great site, and especially the comparisons between the technology available. In simple terms, Cochlear technology in their implants is maxed out and while they can do some upgrades via the processors, it doesn't do anything for the current steering in the...
  3. H

    Aqua+ for Nucleus 6

    I guess if you are seriously considering a CI you really want to look at the implant technology and capabilities. Cochlear can't match what AB and even Med-el have on the market right now. Having a waterproof cover for your processor is nice, but not really a reason to go with Cochlear in my...
  4. H

    hearing aids payment assistance

    I got no help for my HA's, but I have never seen a single HA cost $6000+, or $12,000 for a pair. Top of the line HA's for a PAIR run in the $6000-6500 range retail.
  5. H

    hearing aids payment assistance

    You need to find a new audiologist if she is charging you $12K for HA's.
  6. H

    How it feels like to have CI?

    My health insurance doesn't pay for hearing aids (or my old plan didn't) but they do pay for CI's. I don't know how it works in your country though but if you can go online and see your benefits or call someone and ask you would at least know if you could get one. Having a CI doesn't really...
  7. H

    this may be in the wrong place but jus wondering

    I'm not quite sure what that means but as a hearing person with sudden hearing loss and now a CI user, my hearing is about 95% completely normal and getting better all the time. kelseyjody-you have to medically qualify for CI, you can't just get one because you want one. From what you have...
  8. H

    hearing aids payment assistance

    I was never able to get any assistance. When I was using HA's our insurance never covered anything and our income, at least when I first got my HA's, was outside of any assistance programs, not by much, but as a young family with young children, it was difficult to afford them. Thankfully my...
  9. H

    Getting the right adjustment

    I agree--being able to make adjustments in the real world would be SO helpful. I understand that some people probably aren't technologically savvy enough to do that but give people training or a test or something so they can have some control over their settings. It's not like people don't...
  10. H

    Might be looking into getting CI

    Actually, officially it can affect your SSI/SSDI. The official stance is they screen 2 years post-activation and re-certify every 2 years after that to see how you are functioning with your CI. I can tell you that I would pass with flying colors and would not be considered disabled with my CI...
  11. H

    Might be looking into getting CI

    Sounds to me are very normal, I can talk on the phone--or better yet, understand on the phone. My HA's never gave me even close to the clarity I get with my CI. I've heard sounds I haven't heard in years. It's truly life changing with a CI.
  12. H

    Might be looking into getting CI

    Just sayin that isn't true if you grew up in a hearing world, none of your friends sign and you hate subtitles...
  13. H

    Might be looking into getting CI

    Best think I ever did was get a CI. It's really nice to have my life back again. I can hear and understand people in all situations, listen to music, watch tv, go to movies, go to restaurants and understand what people are saying. Just wish I would have done it sooner!! Obviously...
  14. H

    Will the new health exchanges cover HAs?

    Hearing aids are considered a "quality of life" issue, not so much a medical necessity...not that I agree with that but that is how they get around covering HA's. The best plan I've seen has been $2500/year but that was for a manufacturing company where employees work in a noisy environment and...
  15. H

    Hearing Tracker - Community driven hearing aid reviews

    This sure would have been nice when I was in the HA market!! Thanks for your work!
  16. H

    To Cochlear Implant or to re-Hearing Aid; know thyself what you want, my Deaf ears?

    Just warning you--you have put this information in print and what you are saying can get you into legal trouble. Doesn't matter that you haven't stated which site, it's easy to figure out and even if it wasn't, the general information could be taken by any of the 3 and then you end up with 3...
  17. H

    To Cochlear Implant or to re-Hearing Aid; know thyself what you want, my Deaf ears?

    I realize you have some issues with the CI sites but I have to say, you are the only one that seems to have that issue. There are plenty of users of other CI's that frequent the site you seem to hate so much and just a word of warning, the misinformation you are spreading is bordering on libel...
  18. H

    DAI cords?

    Check out the Monoprice website. They have some in various lengths but they might be thicker/heavier than you want.