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  1. lucidjen

    USA Citizens: Don't forget it is Tax Day!

    I already did mine-thanks! :thumb:
  2. lucidjen

    Are you: Morning or night person???

    Im more likely a night person! ---ooo, like a owl!--- :fruit:
  3. lucidjen

    Cant find a perfect word to describe...venting tho to hearing ppl

    Sometimes those days-I wishes I dont want to be deaf-know why? Hearing ppl makes me feel that! Take a note of that, dont take offend of it, Im just saying straight from my thought. Its what I feels, Its what my heart is poruing out..I am venting out right now. Im frustraing, so is my deaf friend...
  4. lucidjen

    TAKE ADVANTAGE: I hate that word!

    I dont know how to start this off; but me and my friend, Kel, we had been talking about that topic for a while. Takin advantage, its more likey when Im sleeping, having friends coming over and spending the night. They wld like steal all my personal stuff, or money, all that. Then later, when I...
  5. lucidjen

    A Really F**Ked Up New Years Eve

    I guess, if corona babe like revenge, then let her do it all. Most indivually, all of them's opinion is never the same, its always the different. since im her friend, whatever she chosen, Ill go with it. Maybe Tousi is right but, cld be wrong in a little way.
  6. lucidjen

    A deaf rave

    Club nights for the deaf and hard of hearing are growing in popularity <---it as said in the u know if theres locations for that? it seemed cool if there wld be one of the club in arizona.
  7. lucidjen

    Cochlear Implants are the best!

    I know you updated this long time ago, but I have a CI, i cld talk and everything but, your doctor and my doctor has said the exact same thing, and guess what? i cld hear, im profound deaf but with CI, i cld talk, hear, and 90% of sounds that hearing person that cld hear, i cld be...
  8. lucidjen

    A Really F**Ked Up New Years Eve

    no bullshitting?? wow...good thing that they are going to kick his lil ass! :rifle:
  9. lucidjen

    What is your A/S/L?

    oops-i guess i missed that post. heh
  10. lucidjen

    What is your A/S/L?

    Yes I signs ASL....hehe, jk, youngest female/17/f/arizona
  11. lucidjen

    Where is Everyone?

    im still here-but i check alldeaf as much as i can
  12. lucidjen

    What Do You Love Most About AllDeaf?...

    Everything!! but the most important thing is for me, is supporting everyone as much I can! :)
  13. lucidjen

    Happy birthday Daprilz

  14. lucidjen

    New Person here!

    Welcome! Welcome to the site! Glad u decided to register! Anytime! :grouphug:
  15. lucidjen

    Deaf Day Awareness Day @ Six Flags??

    sorry--didn't know. i dont look around very much. thank you.
  16. lucidjen

    Deaf Day Awareness Day @ Six Flags??

    I heard that there one coming up in California, I was just wondering if anyone knows?? or I may have heard it wrong. Post it if u know any details, thanks!!
  17. lucidjen

    Have you met Heather Whitestone???

    YEP! I met her last summer! it was really awesome!! i have a pic of her and me, i will update it soon!
  18. lucidjen

    Happy Birthday, LucidJen!!

    cute! thanks!
  19. lucidjen

    Happy Birthday, LucidJen!!

    defintley clothes!! nails done, got some shoes, um....just clothes. lol. :)
  20. lucidjen

    Happy Birthday, LucidJen!!

    Yeah I enjoyed my birthday! It went all good.....shoppin was the best part. :)