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  1. S


    when you have to hold your bladder for 30 mintues, what you always think of?
  2. S

    Define L-I-F-E

    amen to that. ;)
  3. S

    Earthquake in East Bay (California)

    i miss this feeling. i living in monterey and im sure here never have a quake.
  4. S


    :( nevermind.
  5. S


    anyone have experience when you was disaapeared from your old world and enter the new world? or you just want to be disaapeared but it never happening?
  6. S

    fish's respect

    ohh! thanks you for show me this post. i enjoy every pages because out there rarley hot guy. and some ADers post some good picutres of hot guys. also, their middle finger is pretty with nicest nail. by the way, i :rofl: at yer parrot.
  7. S

    fish's respect

    MMMM....when the fish dead, i will mention about fertilizer to my mother because shes green thumb and she own the fishes in the tank at her room. i will see what my mother's response.
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    fish's respect

    its would be nice if i could see the real old douchbag say :fu2: when old people say :fu2: , its MORE funnier than young people say :fu2:
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    fish's respect

    AHH! deaf258 and you got the point. ( hey e, go s and go f. LOL)
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    fish's respect

    you get the POINT! :thumb:
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    fish's respect

    its interesting to hear all of your opinions about fish n bs. :)
  12. S

    fish's respect

    threw the fish in the toilet and flush. its not the honor of their death. its would be nice if you threw them in the sea where they are belong to.
  13. S


    wondering, what town in oregon is cheap place to live in?
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    Oklahoma School for the Deaf Alunmi

    im speaking of people who live oklahoma. oklahoma's system is fucked up. they is way behind. government, police, n blah like to destory people who live in oklahoma.
  15. S

    talk to yourself?

    isolated a lot this year. i talk to myself a lot. when i watch a funny show or movie. i talked to the screen and laffs my head off. keep my health well while im isolated. sometimes i was way pissed off, annoyed, and upset. i talk to myself while im blackout. some people think im crazy or...
  16. S

    talk to yourself?

    talk to yourself sometimes whatever where you are at? in public? n bs
  17. S


    what site of blog so i can create one?
  18. S


    yeah, i guess i have to waitting till i find a guy n vows intead married. anyway, so he can be my journal book.
  19. S


    never heard that one before. is it good?
  20. S


    yeah, i have one but i only update what my daily life is. thats all. nothing personal. i update rare. be hosent, livejournal designed to people who is mouth of backstabbed and many things whatever they like to destory somone's rep. once i was in the bus and someone trying to tell one guy...