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    Crash Banicoot....

    GOOD NEWS, Sonic the come out for xbox and ps2 in next week. jan 29th.
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    trasportation in NYC n east area.

    i noticed a lot of people dont need to have a car when they live in NYC because they have strong trasportation community such as bart, subway, buses, taxi, bicycle and much more....i was wondering if someone have a car and its will be much hassle to find a parking, driving in the long traffic, n...
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    Are You Addicted to AllDeaf?

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    Do you believe in God?

    people making things complicatied...
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    mars or earth?

    will you choose to live on mars when earth is going to end or you prefer to stay and dead with the earth when its end? me, i would like to live on the mars and live in different world.
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    You should have...

    yeah??? do you know any of website that i can find more of those informations? thanks dudeettee!
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    Deaf students seem excited to go back to school whereas hearing students don't

    as right now, i notcied theres less excitement for deafies to go back to school after their break/weekend because of.. 1. techonolgy- chat online and etcs. 2. pagers. compare to 10 year ago while those techonolgy didnt exist that time. oh boy, they sure do went so crazy and want to go...
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    WaterRats13 - about Jim Carrey

    gee! jim carrey is my BIG FAN! He gave me the idea how to using the facial expression since im 9 year old. sometimes i wish im in the movie and work with him cus i have that talent alike him. i just watch oscar show on ABC..something like that..he sure went so wild when he won the award but...
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    You should have...

    speaking of camp sertoma, is it fun to work over there? i miss to work at camp with deaf/hoh children. even though, im staff and looking for trouble with some of childrens. it's wonderful to be childlike! in other post you metioned how wonderful minn is. i want to ask..that place have a...
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    Steak n Shake?

    ohh yes!!! i cant even wipe any messy from BBQ all over on my mouth whenever i look at myself by mirror...will just lick it all of it...!!!!!
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    sometimes you pretand to dance just because you need to go pee? once i saw some children sell the lemoando to drink for 50 cents. im afriad to buy it from them because im not sure if they make their own secert recipt- mixed urine in the lemoando...* i know im way off the point but i still...
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    lol. i just hold my bladder till your message appeared. i read your message and i cant hold it as long as i can. * natural time *
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    everyone analyze their body. :smoking:
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    by the way, when you pee during winter time and you can feel your pee is little bit cold? when you pee whenever the day is humid, feel terrible because its kinda of warm pee? did you noticed?
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    LOL! once, i wracked on the tree and i was stuck with ski board...i barley peed in my pant because im scared out of shit. somehow, i hold my bladder pretty quicky because a hot guy help me out.
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    bingo, i got it which AC you are speaking the way, hold your bladder more than two hours when you go out for snowboarding????
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    ohhhh, its will be bad idea because you may blame on your bladder which you want to make thing cold and turn the AC on...BILL getting high and high! during in the winter, you dont have worry anything.
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    lol. hate it when you walk in the store and shopping some foods. you want to hold your bladder more than you can but its keep distract you to force what kind of food you want? refresh your bladder then you can think something better, eh?
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    lol. i guess, during in the winter, you hold your bladder more longer than other 3 seasons?
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    i mean.... thats what im not asking what you what you act, im asking what you THINK.