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  1. W

    Happy Birthday, Katzie!!!

    awww, I can't reach my butt LOL anyway have a good one katzie! Just kidding about can't reach LOL :D
  2. W

    romance ideas?

    that's awesome ideas, I can do some of those things and other ideas of mine too, thanks guys and gals!!! :D
  3. W

    How in the hell do u format your

    ouch about master pepe posts, but you are right silencegold, just type "format c:" next to c prompt....I've had to reinstall several times before
  4. W

    romance ideas?

    what's your idea of an romance? I am curious...just to make a woman like a guy better
  5. W

    Happy Birthday, Katzie!!!

    I'd prefer my own I get the idea what's her butt is like! :twisted: :naughty: :D
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    Happy Birthday, Katzie!!!

    :birthday: to you gorgeous katzie, did you make wish yet?? or do you want (age)spanking? :naughty: Hope you have a nice one! :D
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    Red Dragon

    try watching "ring", it's pretty scary LOL
  8. W

    need cell phone

    I guess you guys didn't read the post carefully....what I mean is that I need a device that I can do SOME TALKING for my hearing family sake, and mostly text messaging from my deaf and hoh friends, any suggestion?
  9. W

    Happy Birthday To Funnybebe78!!!!

    alright you go girl being 25 yay, can I give you a "feel good" spanking??? ;)
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    So new!

    welcome to AD2 Purple82moon Hope you enjoy!!! :D
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    need cell phone

    cool, but I think I am leaning toward sidekick, but 39.99 a month? I prefer 29.99....
  12. W

    My DirtyOldMan's b-day 2day.

    Happy B-day DOM, hope you have a good one, also.....why dont eternity and DOM meet in person one of those day???
  13. W

    yeah, well that's a long time ago LOL I dunno about now, but I do play those every now and then :)
  14. W

    I really like those kind of games...I used to play them when I was teen back in 80s especially centipede, my highest was somewhere in the 700,000, but dont remember exact score, also love the tempest arcade type, but the computer tempest isn't the same cuz of control..anyway I will try again later
  15. W

    need cell phone

    Hello all...since I am hoh could anyone point me to sites where I can get a cell phone plan w/ limited minutes and lots of text messagings for maybe 29.99 instead of 39.99? Cuz I use voice phone usually w/ few people but do use lots of messaging w/ lot of friends or if you have suggestion...
  16. W

    who have a trouble with ...

    eh I can use a cell phone or a pager...cuz of my being hoh
  17. W

    who have a trouble with ...

    eternity, it's supposed to be LIVE if it says 24/7
  18. W

    the site is cool but it's not working right for some reason...
  19. W

    sound like fun, I am a gamer too
  20. W

    who have a trouble with ...

    24/7 tech and no live rep??? doesn't make any sense!