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  1. W

    Do you hate your brother or sister?

    hated my bro big time, treated family like shit
  2. W

    Ten Tips for Holiday Romance

    thanks meg, it's hard to find locally anyway, so I will take it one day at a time! :mrgreen:
  3. W

    Ten Tips for Holiday Romance

    :) and where will I get the lady??? any lady would love those tips! :)
  4. W

    Ten Tips for Holiday Romance

    great tips but no snow where I live LOL but can modify for my area hehe :)
  5. W

    Lesson to Learn from Dating

    most guys yes, BUT you never know everyone one out of 10 WILL pay attention to you, I know I've experienced that w/ few of my dates so far
  6. W

    do u ever have crush that u fell for online or in person?

    that'd be interesting....good luck, java!!
  7. W

    do u ever have crush that u fell for online or in person?

    Yes as I said in my sig, I am chatting w/ one of the ADer, but not telling which ADer :dunno: far so good, will meet in person real soon
  8. W

    Hello all reintro

    of course I do remember you java, that was nearly 2 yrs ago!
  9. W

    Hello all reintro

    thanks java I think it's good idea to do it that way, I know 2 months seems like long time so why not?? again thanks java, you're alright!
  10. W

    ATTN: Photoshop Users

    Also have PSP 7.0 too, but still learning! :confused:
  11. W

    Hello all reintro

    well just a thought that count...
  12. W

    Hello all reintro

    Hello all thought I remind you guys that I haven't been here in a while so.......HELLO!!! :wave: anyone missed me??? I am sure there's someone out there that miss me a lot!! :wave:
  13. W

    The Best Game Ever in the history of video games

    Re: Re: The Best Game Ever in the history of video games wow, 71 yrs old??? what was her favorite game(s)?:D
  14. W


    short hair?? are you cute, funnybebe?? I wonder hehe
  15. W

    Jury Duty

    I never did serve jury duty, cuz I was excused from it, it take a note from my doctor saying that I am legally hearing impaired and send it along w/ jury papers in the mail, and didn't have any problem w/ that
  16. W

    List all known games for PS2, xbox and GCN with either CC or subtitles

    yeah myst would've been a great game if it would have cc or subtitles....not my fav type of game anyway....right now I am playing my fav and only game on PS2 is Final Fantasy X which do have subtitles, great game....but am looking for more game but I am very picky LOL
  17. W

    out of state job?

    LOL I had a feeling that you would reply I dunno why LOL anyway good luck looking for job :)
  18. W

    out of state job?

    Hello all, just a thought, how do yoiu find a job before you move to that city out of state? anyone have opinion? or do you just have to move first then find job? Will :ily:
  19. W

    Which M.Dew U likes the most?

    eh if I have to choose it would be like this 1-code red 2-livewire 3-original(ugh!! too sweet) but my ex gf love em sheesh!
  20. W


    yeah I agree, but to me it's a milestones, cuz I dont usually post often until I came across this, then i started doing it now, wow! LOL anyway keep posting!