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  1. T

    Update: FCC Extended Deadline

    Well one who quit Sorenson VRS told me that he quit Sorenson because they are full of politics. So yes that is true that Sorenson is powerful company. He is happy working with other VRS. The matter of fact is that Sorenson forbid any of their interpreters whose quit Sorenson from work for...
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    Update: FCC Extended Deadline

    AND also my friend had to 'borrow' 940 instead of 903 because the 903 Area code is out. So she have no choice but to use 940 instead. Since I heard or not know if it's true or not that Sorenson is getting powerful and won most of cases that other VRS sue Sorenson. Also I heard that Sorenson...
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    Update: FCC Extended Deadline

    DAMN! Why delay the deadline 3 times?! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! What a retard that FCC or whoever wants to delay the deadline is DUMBASS! I can't stand FCC GEEZ!
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    Blackberry Curve or 8800 media player advice

    Oh boy seem like I ask to invisible person! lol but :ty: anyway =)
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    Blackberry Curve or 8800 media player advice

    Explore? I saw that app.. It look nice. Where did you get that app from? =) Thanks! =)
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    Purple Netbook unleashed

    I recently talk to Purple (HOVRS) about that 'unleashed' P3.. She told me that yes this Netbook is actually from DELL. HOVRS make agreement with DELL for HOVRS P3.... Anyway... She said that you, deafies not need to call HOVRS for discount code. She said that HOVRS will call us and we will...
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    T-Mobile Sidekick LX 3G Officially Announced All Over Again

    :funny: "MicroClowns.." LMFAO! true true.. Or should I say Microsh*t :giggle: Thank God, i'm Mac boy! =)
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    T-Mobile Sidekick LX 3G Officially Announced All Over Again

    Bad news for sidekick user. Here the link about the last Sidekick that Danger (MSFT) make.
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    Plasmic Blackberry Theme creator

    I would love to design that theme for my blackberry especially Mac OS X-ish theme such as network meter, battery meter icon, time, etc. But its hard to find that icons!!! :(
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    Which OS do you prefer?

    Definitely Mac OS X! I'm absolutely OS X fan! I have MacBook and LOVE IT! But I have Windows Vista HP laptop for my organization. So that HP laptop is for business. =)
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    Warning facebook

    I love Facebook more than MySpace do. I found so many of my good and long lost friends from two of my schools- Texas School for the Deaf and a high school in my hometown. and several of my family in that. I always careful on whom request me to add them. If I don't know them, I would ask them...
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    Comcast to limit customers' broadband usage

    There's actually the fine print. I heard that Cox service is good.. My cable service is STINK! CableOne. Many of my friends here in Sherman who use CableOne Cable Modem for VP and many of them complain that it slow speed. I already warn them when they got VP not to get CableOne. Because there's...
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    Comcast to limit customers' broadband usage

    Ah, I'm not call them. I'm not Comcast customer. I'm Verizon DSL customer ;) I don't really know if they will do that for deaf customers with videophone. Illegally download media? Yeah I know about that issues... Oh well...
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    Comcast to limit customers' broadband usage

    Comcast Anyone? I don't know if I'm in right thread. If not, please forgive me! Let me info you about Comcast. I saw on website said that Comcast had put 250 GB cap on Residential High Speed Internet Service. It had start in effect several months ago, October 1, 2008. It caught my eyes and...
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    AT&T getting a Sidekick-like pager

    I second to that!! LOL! :laugh2: Since I have T-Mobile BlackBerry Curve 8320. BB ROCKS!!
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    what's the first pager/cellphone you bought? and how many cellphone/pager you have?

    Shalom deafies and hearing-alike :) My 1st, Skytel T-900 pain in the ass! It take so forever to send sms/email! :( This one 2nd, Deafwireless Rim 850 -- again, it pain in the ass! Check coverage area and it shows full service but nah it didn't at my home even at the park right in front of...
  17. T

    Which is the best cell phone for deaf for you?

    Blackberry Curve 8320 by T-Mobile Sidekick? *Coughing* Excuse me... I was former SK Color - SK3 user. I always hate Sidekick because its signal is WEAK and very spotty coverage. I decided and upgrade to Blackberry 8800 now 8320 and LOVE IT! The Blackberry 8320 have WIFI so I don't have to...
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    att now offers iphone tap !

    Well... Well... What's about T-Mobile? They don't required to prove that we're deaf/hoh or speech impaired. I know it's different between T-Mobile and AT&T, but still, it sound stupid IMHO....:dunno2:
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    att now offers iphone tap !

    Well I don't like AT&T's policy or whatever it is. Because if you want TAP service for iPhone, then you are required to fill out the form :deal: and signature from your certified doctor to verify that YOU are actually Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired. It will NOT automatically change...
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    For Mac Fans or Alike

    I have an excite announcement for ALL Mac users (yep, I'm the Mac user)! The Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard will release this Friday, October 26, 2007 at 6:00 PM your standard time (EST, CST, MST, PST)! I can't wait and zoom to the Fry's Electronics in Plano or Apple Retailer store at Plano Mall! I was...