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  1. Dennis S.

    purple communication not yet offical

    Never. It's always been a hearing person in charge of that company. In fact, all of the companies under Purple have been hearing run. One of them, I think , is a CODA, but that's as close as you get. None of the big relay companies are run by deaf presidents.
  2. Dennis S.

    purple communication not yet offical

    I think the point is that "GoAmerica" will no longer exist, and instead be called "Purple Company" (yes, I know it's "Purple Communications.") It makes sense in that deaf people signing "purple company" is easier to understand than "Go America." I wish 'em luck establishing their new...
  3. Dennis S.

    VP or VRS?

    With the new numbers everyone's talking about, there's no need to differentiate between "VP" and "VRS" - when the person calls, it'll be routed the correct way through the network. Voice will automatically go through VRS Deaf using VPs will automatically connect to your VP directly...
  4. Dennis S.

    A**hole abuses VP: Almost gets people killed.

    This was most likely not VRS, as most pranksters would probably not a) learn sign to abuse the system, and b) show their face to a sign language interpreter. This was most likely an IP Relay system (typing through the internet).
  5. Dennis S.

    Michael Jackson gravely ill: reports

    This debate is still ongoing? His spokesperson says the rumor is false: Michael Jackson’s rep denies singer is ill - Celebrities-
  6. Dennis S.

    Equestrian rider denied interpreter

    The point isn't whether WE or the school think she needs an interpreter, if SHE believes she needs an interpreter to be equal to her hearing teammates and perform equally, then she should be able to get one! I know CSUN will provide interpreters for school-related events, I know they did for...
  7. Dennis S.

    10-digit number and WebCaptel confusion. Need some info

    rushabh, I was told that WebCapTel is not compatible with the 10-digit number service at this time. Only IP Relay, IM, and VRS will have that ability. You won't be able to use it for WebCapTel yet. It probably won't happen until late next year.
  8. Dennis S.

    Confirmation: Captioned Telephone works on iPhone! (Sprint WebCapTel)

    I'll be hitting up the AT&T store shortly to see if I can do a call on the Bold simultaneously while surfing a data connection. Even though the phone has access to AT&T's 3G HSDPA network, I fear that RIM's OS does not have multithreading capabilities, and that means that you can't be both on a...
  9. Dennis S.

    Can't wait for these technologie's to advance

    That's already available with WebCapTel, like at
  10. Dennis S.

    Assaulted outside of Wal-Mart by "cop"

    Well, what I'm suspicious about is that there was a real police officer there and he did nothing to the guy who claimed to be an officer. Real officers know each other. The guy who detained you was probably off-duty and overstepped his bounds, was hungry for an arrest instead of following...
  11. Dennis S.

    THE COLLAPSE OF THE US DOLLAR : A Scenario That Is Very Possible

    It's all fear, uncertainty, and doubt. America AND THOSE WHO HOLD AMERICAN DEBT want the dollar to stay strong. So it's not "by design" that European countries want the Euro to be the standard, universal currency - the dollar already holds that standard. Fearmongering write up, meant to...
  12. Dennis S.

    Which is better CSUN or Gallaudet do you think?

    Take a look at Gallaudet's doctorate degrees -- all of them focus on deafness/sign language. Now, I agree that many people get jobs outside of their specialization, but if that's the case, then your specialization isn't the most important part of the job you're getting. All other things...
  13. Dennis S.

    HTC Touch Pro

    So is AT&T's network limited to 5GB. It's standard for all carriers.
  14. Dennis S.

    Which is better CSUN or Gallaudet do you think?

    Van Nuys? Dude, Van Nuys is TEN MINUTES from CSUN. Even in traffic it's never an hour away. And, yes, it is (or was) the "Porn Capitol of the World." Las Vegas is 5 hours, at least. But come on, DC has more sluts than the entire porn industry. ;-) In any case, when considering the...
  15. Dennis S.

    This is why you shouldn't park in front of a fire hydrant

    I have family members who are firefighters. It's not a joke. That hose may save lives and if you park too close to the hydrant, there's no way that hose is going anywhere except through your car's windows. That's no garden hose -- that water is coming out so hard that the hose is often can't...
  16. Dennis S.

    Hi from St. Louis, MO

    Welcome to AD - there's a couple of Louians here, and I'm a recent ex-Budweiser-cityian myself. I'm on the other side of the state in the other big city. So how do you like it so far?
  17. Dennis S.

    Which is better CSUN or Gallaudet do you think?

    CSUN graduate here -- I chose CSUN over Gally. CSUN beats the pants off Gallaudet, in my opinion, for the quality of education and diversity of deaf and hearing interaction. But it's all about what you want to get out of college. I chose to immerse myself in the deaf world at CSUN, but still...
  18. Dennis S.

    I need a product that is hand held and is spech to text..

    Look, if this was possible today, it would be done already. If hearing people don't already have this for notetaking (how many company executives would love to have this for their meetings?!) then you can see that the technology still has hurdles to overcome.
  19. Dennis S.

    Confirmation: Captioned Telephone works on iPhone! (Sprint WebCapTel)

    As GP has said, you can log into Sprint WebCapTel, then "Wait for Call" and input your telephone number to wait for a call. Someone calls you at the telephone number GP posted (the 800 #) then follows instructions, they can reach you, absolutely. I've done it a few times -- it's neat! As...
  20. Dennis S.

    Daniel Radcliffe suffer from his condition ("Harry Potter")

    ... just like everyone else out there, "some people" have brain related problems. It's not odd. Being a movie star doesn't make you immune or genetically perfect.