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  1. Dennis S.

    Fcc plan cut vrs

    Are you saying that people like diehardbiker would be on SSI if they weren't working for Sorenson? That sounds kind of insulting. I would've thought people would have skills to do other jobs that are out there. Technical and teaching skills are quite transferable. VRS is just one tiny...
  2. Dennis S.

    New Bill and Hillary says US Citizenship is not a right

    No. Being able to take away citizenship for any reason opens it up for abuse. All it takes is for someone to want to frame you for a crime and now you can't even exercise your American rights. Or you do something on accident. Heck, let's make you lose your citizenship over a speeding...
  3. Dennis S.

    Fcc plan cut vrs

    VRS is not a welfare program for employing deaf people. If Sorenson, Purple, CSDVRS, SprintVRS, ConvoVRS, whomever, decide their profits will suffer if they don't cut back on employees with this new rate, then that is their decision. They can simply choose to have less profit. So don't go...
  4. Dennis S.

    Fcc plan cut vrs

    All this "bankruptcy" talk is patently false. All the major VRS companies today are enjoying massive profits at the current rates. None of them, of course, will go publicly on record stating that. This rate change is using data that was submitted to the FCC and gives them a "reasonable...
  5. Dennis S.

    Work Phone Question

    CapTel is the only thing out there. There are a couple of different phone models though, so you can see what there is you can use in the office with the office phone system. See Sprint Relay
  6. Dennis S.

    Cellphone with front facing camera coming soon to the US!

    What next-gen iPhone with what front facing camera on what 4G network with what processing power? Android is fantastic, I currently use a Samsung Moment. And I'm in a 4G area! This is gonna rock!
  7. Dennis S.

    Cellphone with front facing camera coming soon to the US!

    Sprint's supposed to have 120 million people covered with 4G by the end of this year, stretching "coast to coast." Sprint 4G Expansion Plans to Stretch Coast-to-Coast from Los Angeles to Miami | EON: Enhanced Online News Sprint also seems to own a majority of Clearwire, so they're not...
  8. Dennis S.

    Cellphone with front facing camera coming soon to the US!

    Sprint just announced their HTC EVO 4G phone with a front facing camera: HTC EVO 4G is Sprint's Android-powered knight in superphone armor, we go hands-on -- Engadget Holy cow! Mobile video on my cell phone with email, text, and IM! Yayyyyyy! Specs include a 1.3 megapixel front facing...
  9. Dennis S.

    flying after implantation?

    Clearly, the people who know weren't responding to this thread yet. Yes it's safe to fly - there are no "pressure" issues except for whatever you might expect after any kind of surgery. You'd want your blood pressure to be back to normal as there's less air pressure on the flight to deliver...
  10. Dennis S.

    Purple 3 refuse help you fix on my ps3

    The source is the very VRS order that you've been citing as Purple's downfall. In there states that international to international calling is not permitted.
  11. Dennis S.

    Youtube Vevo Captioned music video's

    Youtube is still only captioned via voluntary captions being added to the videos - either companies or users upload them. A couple of YouTube channels do have beta auto-captions, but they're few in number right now. Vevo uses TuneWiki's service where tons of users will add and edit captions...
  12. Dennis S.

    PhoneCaption technology!

    I use I checked out this other service like last year, but it didn't fit my needs. How are the captions made, through a computer?
  13. Dennis S.

    "The Google Phone"

    I don't see how this is any different than any other Android phone out there, save that it'll have the latest OS and that it'll not be locked to any particular carrier, if those rumors hold true. So, Android is competing, but I haven't seen it in a form that overtakes the iPhone just yet. Only...
  14. Dennis S.

    VRS reform

    Most likely the following things would be put forth: 1) VRS would start being overseen and paid for by states instead of the federal government; I think that's a good thing 2) Companies would start complying with regulations set by each state, which must meet Federal minimum standards but...
  15. Dennis S.

    ASL EXPO 2009 is coming to seven cities!

    There's a statement on the ASL Expo front page announcing that they're cancelling the last two ASL Expo shows and then proceeding with litigation. Who are they targeting in their lawsuit?
  16. Dennis S.

    26 charged in VRS fraud

    Welcome to the United States Department of Justice This document was just released today - outlines several VRS agencies and a VRS provider as charged for defrauding the US Gov't out of tens of millions of dollars. Viable's CEO and COO are at the top of the chain: Wow. I heard about...
  17. Dennis S.

    Purple Communications Announces Voluntary Delisting

    Whatever. These posts are actual truthful, valid, and useful information backed up by reliable, known sources. More than I can say for many other posts around here. Qwerty's not even trolling. He's reporting.
  18. Dennis S.

    Senior Scores Perfect 2400 on SAT

    He took it several times just to improve his score. So, yeah, it's possible to get a perfect score, but most people don't because they take the SAT once and then take what they can get. Multiple test takers have an advantage of a) seeing the test and format so they can best write to the...
  19. Dennis S.

    Purple upset FCC says 'NO'

    "Deaf to deaf" VP calls for more than 2 people is just NOT technically possible these days. There is no "conference calling" VP feature built in to any of the VPs or webcams used by most deaf people today. So deaf conference calling is like asking people in the 1900's to do telephone...
  20. Dennis S.

    Further cementing my decision to go with Advanced Bionics...

    I've never heard "robotic beeps" the entire time outside of the mapping tests they use for calibrating the loudness of the sounds when they set up the tolerances for your CI sensitivity. The sounds you hear at first will most likely be, well, strange, for the lack of a better term - it may be...