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  1. S

    Israel Vows to Expand Gaza Airstrikes as Death Toll Passes 200

    I agree, since apparently you and Jillio have major problems in comprehension of what you're reading. That's just the thing, it was only in my first post that I mistakenly stated that Hitler was elected by the people...... I was corrected, and then in every post since then I have stated that...
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    Israel Vows to Expand Gaza Airstrikes as Death Toll Passes 200

    You're right, it is ridiculous..... what's even more ridiculous is that the post of mine you quoted was the third time I said that Hindenburg (who was elected by the people) is the one that appointed Hitler...... and that now I have a second person misreading my posts and saying I'm wrong while...
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    Israel Vows to Expand Gaza Airstrikes as Death Toll Passes 200

    Okay, since you are obviously still misreading, I will try and make it even simpler using the quote from my last post that you misread yet again......... The leader that was elected by the majority (Hindenburg), (he: Hindenburg) elected/appointed Hitler. I hope that's simplified enough...
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    Israel Vows to Expand Gaza Airstrikes as Death Toll Passes 200

    Um... you misread. "...elected by the majority elected ruler". The leader that was elected by the majority, elected/appointed Hitler.
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    Israel Vows to Expand Gaza Airstrikes as Death Toll Passes 200

    Ty for the correction. So it was Hitler's party's propaganda and creating violece in the streets that got him elected by the majority elected ruler. It still seems similar to how Hamas got in power, by propaganda and sowing chaos. As I stated in my post that you quoted, "Our government was...
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    Israel Vows to Expand Gaza Airstrikes as Death Toll Passes 200

    Wow, hot topic..... my post is already a couple pages back. Yes Jiro, the Palestinians chose Hamas, although they didn't have much choice otherwise..... yet they could still have rebelled when then Hamas ignored ceasefire and kept launching missiles into Isreal. Isreal has given 3 hours...
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    Israel Vows to Expand Gaza Airstrikes as Death Toll Passes 200

    I am not about about read through the 300+ posts on this thread, but I did read a few posts on the first page and the whole last page. As I have stated before, I would never condone war, and I am just like (hopefully) every other person on the planet in believing that war sucks. However, from...
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    Falling oil prices hurting OPEC members

    Oil is still almost double its "normal" price, but OPEC is trying to keep their ridiculous profits from their sale of the oil. The link below has a lot of interesting graphs and analysis. History and Analysis -Crude Oil Prices
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    Pres. Bush s finanical crisis

    Actually, the 'hogwash' is coming from the left. My link was a believed neutral site, and I already stated I would look up another if my link was in fact not from a neutral source. The information was common knowledge however, and still unanswered by Obama campaign. The link you posted, the...
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    Bad News

    I'm sorry to hear this and I hope they're okay. On a positive note, I think that food poisoning happens a lot, and like someone else mentioned, they just need rest and nutrients to recover, but one never knows. I hope everything turns out all right.
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    You know you're a 70's kid if.......

    K, I saw the 'you're a 90s kid' thread and I don't know if 70s was done yet, but thought I'd start a thread for it. Here's a couple to start. you know you're a 70's kid if: You had an original GI Joe 'action figure' (He's not a doll!) :lol: You had a Six Million Dollar Man 'action...
  12. S

    VP Debate...

    Actually, when Obama was a 'community organizer', the only 'executive experience' he had was apparently to distribute $50 million acquired from Bill Ayers, to whatever programs he presided over (I believe it was to educational programs). They also served for at least 3 years together on the...
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    No more biased sources! PLEASE!!!

    I have only read some links posted from BBC but they seemed to me just the same as info from CNN, so I believe they have the same liberal bias. However, MSNBC is well known to be liberal just like CNN, I'm sure others here can reinforce this. I can look up reference if I have to later, but...
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    Obama - McCain debate #2

    Yes, we need to know both sides..... but if you get your news from MSNBC, or BBC, or FoxNews, etc, it's still one sided, either way. CNN and BBC are to the left, FoxNews is to the right. If you're going to focus on MSNBC and BBC, then you should also watch Foxnews to balance it out and see...
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    Need Phone number of ADA In Worcester, Ma

    I think you are probly correct with that statement. I don't know how it is in other states, and I don't even know for sure how it is in my state (Arkansas) because I am hearing, but a few years I did talk to local interpreters in my town, and from what they said about my area, you just had to...
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    No more biased sources! PLEASE!!!

    Please everyone. I'm all for being an educated voter, but if you are trying to say you are an informed voter, and then post a link from CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews, Huffington Post, New York Times, CBC, and the list gets longer, or even BBC, you are not informed. All the sources I just listed, and...
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    VP Debate...

    K, I stopped about 75% of the first page of anti-Palin posts. I think the 'relief' from the conservatives was because Palin isn't a public speaker, while Biden has been for over 20 years. I thought Palin did fine on the debate, but her winks (3 of them total I think) were a little overboard...
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    Screen Legend Paul Newman Dies at 83

    Paul Newman was an incredible actor for longer than I've been alive, and he will be greatly missed.
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    Teacher Suspended After Calling Obama '******' to students

    Personally, I wouldn't want any teacher of my children to show political beliefs either way (left or right). Teachers should teach fact and not beliefs. Politics do not belong in our schools, and if a teacher is pushing Pro-Obama or Pro-McCain (or Anti-either) they should be dismissed. I...
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    Obama - McCain debate #2

    Okay, I know I've been missing in action for most of the past week, but I thought I'd start this thread to keep it seperate from the first debate. I know I'm hoping for both candidates to give some substance, cause I haven't heard any from either side about taxes. I just know that McCain plans...