I have been wanting to learn Linux for a while and I have a question for the computer people in here. Is it possible to partition my hard drive and have windows 7 on one and Linux on the other?
I tried to grow a long beard once but when it hit about an inch I freaked out and shaved it off. I started looking too much like my dad and I can't have that. :lol:
1) Do you support AZ 1070 Yes
2) obamas health care bill No
3) Mosque/community center being built near Groung Zero Undecided, are they peaceful Muslims-yes, are they terrorist loving Muslims-no
4) Repealing the Bush Tax cuts No
5) Gay marriage Yes
I don't have nor want kids and the neighbors kids better stay out of my yard.
:laugh2: The tired "gateway" excuse
Those are called pot heads. Just like there are alcoholics. Casual users don't do that
What about people that don't have a problem with using it and teach their kids not to...
I told my family to give my body to science when I die. No point in paying money to do something with my dead body. At least by giving it away to a school or something my death could benefit someone.
I know. I quit drinking cause it was destroying me but weed just calms me down and makes me relax. I have a brother that gets mean when he drinks and it gets him in trouble a lot. The only reason weed has ever gotten us in trouble is because of the legal problems. No blacking out and not...