Search results

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    What cell phone you use and why?

    LG enV3 in Slate Blue. Traded my Blackberry Storm for it and I feel so free now. I will never have a phone with internet again.
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    Pics of you - Part V

    4 years ago on New Years Eve. Nothing quite like 190 proof Everclear jello shots.
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    Who likes tattoo? do u have any?

    I have 5. 3 awesome ones, 1 stupid one (got it on my 18th bday), and 1 I like but I may cover up cause it doesn't flow with me anymore (video game tat).
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    Any snake owners

    The frame on my cage got bent while I was moving so I had to start building a new cage. Got the frame done today. I plan to cover it with half inch birch plywood and stain it red oak. Here is a couple pics of my progress.
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    SEIU got caught registering 23,207 fake voters

    Come on... SEIU wouldn't do something shady like that. Sarcasm in case you didn't get it
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    Roe v. Wade - For Men

    My father would sure have loved that when I was a kid. But he found a way around paying anything anyway.
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    Gran Turismo 5

    mememememememememe. I really need a new, good racing game to play
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    Anyone sleep in a hammock?

    I have been thinking about it cause I need a new bed. Any brands I should look into?
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    Picture frames

    Anyone have some wooden picture frames sitting around the house that they want to get rid of? I have some artwork that I need to get framed. Minimum size is 17 in by 12 in. If it is larger no problem, I can cut it to the size I need.
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    Welcome back. Now start giving me more words to look up :lol:.
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    And you thought "cat urine smell" is bad?

    Close. Ever had a wiff of the smells that come from a Boa giving birth to babies. Woke me up from a dead sleep the first time it happened.
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    recession is over

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    Is it Bad luck to open an Umbrella indoors

    I had to vote no because there is no such thing as bad luck. It is just an excuse we all make when we screw up.
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    What's your dinner tonight?

    Last night I had Shish Kabobs with this Marinade Shish Kebab with Tahini Sauce Mmmm mmmm mmm Was delish. I'm gonna try using the marinade on some burgers soon.
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    Parents not told, school take children to Mosque, forced to bow

    :dunno: I thought religion wasn't allowed in schools
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    Last Movie You Watched?

    Robin Hood, good but not as good as it could have been Iron Man 2, Awesome I can't wait for the rest of the Avenger movies to come out. On a side note I am really pissed that Edward Norton will not be back to play the Hulk for the rest of the movies Prince of Persia, Not bad for a video...
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    [(o)] Photo Challenge: Anything! [2nd]

    I just looked thru the thread again and I gotta say there are a lot of good pics in here. I can't decide which one I like best.
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    A class to die for: Zombies 101 at U. Baltimore

    Here is the textbook :D The Zombie Survival Guide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Charcoal or Propane

    Now that looks tasty
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    Do you favor legalization of marijuana?

    :dunno: But I do know I have seen a lot of lives destroyed by alcohol.