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  1. A

    Any snake owners

    Here it is now. I completely screwed up the moulding so I said screw it on that part. Now it just has to sit until all the vapors from paint, stain and silicon are gone. Then I can put the heaters and lights in.
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    How clean is your kitchen?

    I took it twice. Under normal times I get an A, but I am doing a light remodel right now so my current score is a B. Had to move the cabinets, counter, sink and dishwasher 2 inches to the right to make room for the new refrigerator. Once I find the right shade of paint and my buddy that...
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    Rutgers freshman kills self after classmates use hidden camera to watch his sexual ac

    I'm going to go with the more power thing that most of us guys always preach. Even in death we want the loudest, most obnoxious method. :lol:
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    Which is your favorite WWE superstars??

    Mankind. Pure entertainment when he was out. I still say the greatest wrestling moment was when Undertaker threw him off the cage. I don't watch the fake stuff anymore so I have no idea who the new people are. The last time I watched it Stone Cold was kicking his bosses ass. Now I stick...
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    skin of smoker

    Also I use to get sick at least twice a year. Now I havent had more than a cold in 3 years
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    skin of smoker

    If they even recover. I thought any damage done at early age (13) is permanent. I can tell you that my breathing is a lot better and I can play sports without gasping.
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    skin of smoker

    For me it was 12 years of smoking then one day a coworker was talking about quitting and I said lets do it. He lasted 3 weeks and I refused to give up. Now smokes are 2 bucks more a pack than when I quit. Easy motivation to not start back up. Not that I want to. I never realized just how...
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    What cell phone you use and why?

    Waste of money. When I had it I was all about the cool things I could do with my phone but once I got a phone without internet I realized that it was just a waste of time and money.
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    skin of smoker

    Glad I quit smoking. Going on 4 years now. Looking back on it quitting is way easier than anyone lets themselves think it is.
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    Any snake owners

    Forgot to post pic yesterday so here it is today. All that is left is 3 coats of Polyurethane, plexiglass, moulding, hardware and hide box.
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    [(o)] Photo Challenge: Knobs! [3rd]

    I have a pic in mind but I have to build it first.
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    Any snake owners

    The inside is the same as the floor and the 2 by 4s are primed and painted white. The outside is going to be stained. It is almost ready for staining but I will have to wait till tomorrow to do that. I will get a pic for todays progress once I stop for the day.
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    Man Sues Bar For Serving Him Too Many Drinks

    Exactly what I was thinking. How did the bartender know he was going to drive.
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    Any snake owners

    One thing is for sure. You will never be near any of my snakes.
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    Any snake owners

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    Any snake owners

    Plexiglass. I just got back from picking up the plywood. I ended up getting quarter inch sheets to save some weight. Here is what I got done today
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    What are you thinking about? Part III

    Ewww. Dark Chocolate is just yucky
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    What are you thinking about? Part III

    Did you buy them used? Around here people race them. That is why they fall apart so much. But the few that I know about that haven't been raced are the best cars I have been in. Lexus is an awesome car too. If I could get one in a stick I would be a happy man
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    Pics of you - Part V

    What kind of car are you sitting in in this pic?
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    A Motorcycle Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    My old bike. Sold it when I got to pissed about crappy drivers around here. I kind of regret it now. Today was the perfect riding weather. High 60s and sunshine. After I get done with school maybe I will get another one.