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    Favorite Director

    I have been on a huge movie kick lately and I started thinking about which directors guarantee that you will like the movie. For me I have two that tie for the gold. Quentin Tarantino and Kevin Smith. It probably helps that they both write and direct their movies. I just love the crazy...
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    Health Care to "control the people"

    I have heard the joke and other versions from several catholics in my life.
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    Health Care to "control the people"

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    who else has had thier HAs run over by a car????

    I have never lost or broken a hearing aid in the 25 years I have been wearing one. Now I am going to go knock on every piece of wood I can find.
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    Health Care to "control the people"

    Damn... We just can't win.
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    Health Care to "control the people"

    Hasn't every single thing that can be said been said at some point in a movie. I guess we all need to start putting quotes around all our post from here on just to make sure we don't get sued. :roll:
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    It's Not the Wealthy, Stupid! It's a Full Blown Depression

    Bringing in Fair Tax would remove the loopholes but there would be new loopholes and it wouldn't get rid of the real problem in our tax system. Lobbyist.
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    Show your support for "I Do" Gay Marriage.

    And what are the negatives
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    From almighty God:

    Funny and true :lol:
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    James Cameron chickens out of debate with climate-change skeptics

    I think I would literally shit myself at that moment
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    It's Not the Wealthy, Stupid! It's a Full Blown Depression

    I think what he wants is a smaller gov. that actually has employees doing the job they are paid to do. Not like what we have were they pay 3 people to do a 1 person job.
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    What makes you happy?

    I'm good at saving it but not that great at making it now days. I'm open for suggestions if you need a smile on your face.