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  1. Sophia26

    Now THIS is disturbing!!

    You know it wasn't that long ago when teachers used to hit their students with whips and rulers. Whatever the situation was, it was child abuse plain and simple. The teachers do not have any right at all to put scotch tape over the boy; why didn't they call the parents? Why didn't they take...
  2. Sophia26

    Deadly Flu Outbreak: Is History Repeating Itself?

    I've never gotten a flu shot in my life. I don't trust the goverment to administrate shots to people.
  3. Sophia26

    What your opinion about M.Jackson?

    Did any of you see the new interview of M.J.? He said and I quote "It's ok to sleep with children." end quote. What the hell is wrong with this guy? Whether the allegations are true or not, You can't say or do stupid things like that.
  4. Sophia26


    I don't understand the Grade Point Average system and with all the pluses and minues going; its look fucked up. The only bad thing about my school is that they don't post grades online, so we have to wait like two weeks into the quarter to get our grades.
  5. Sophia26

    How do the people treats you differently?

    No, I'm not exaggerating.
  6. Sophia26

    As alldeaf turns. {a play}

    I really like the play. Hopefully, I will be added to future plays. I was cracking up all day.
  7. Sophia26

    How do the people treats you differently?

    I just love it when I come into a room and automatically everyone stops talking. I just love it when I say "Hi" but the person or people that I'm saying to, doesn't say "Hi" back or even acknowledge me. I just love it whenever I sit down near a group of people, they get up and walk away.
  8. Sophia26

    Why Does Rejection Hurt?

    I think you just describe me.
  9. Sophia26

    Who are you guys going to vote for in 2004?

    No way in Hell will I vote for Bush unless I was torture to death and left on a ant hill cover with honey. I will vote for the other guy whoever this person is and hopefully, he will have some sense on the issues.
  10. Sophia26

    When you were little girl or boy, What did you want to be when you grew up?

    I wanted to be "Miss Elizabeth" when I grew up. She was a valet for the the Macho Man Randy Savage who was a WWF wrestler. I used to watch wrestling all the time when I was young. Damn good times.
  11. Sophia26


    I am pro-choice and I believe in a woman's right to chose as well as control over her own body. I don't see any of you blaming the man or asking them to keep their dicks in their pants; It takes two. Whatever your views are, it's not a questions of whether or not abortion is wrong or...
  12. Sophia26

    Bush Obsessed over Iraq???

    Bush is crazy. Enough said
  13. Sophia26

    Are you done with Christmas shopping?

    My mother did all her xmas shopping; I just went along to hold the bags.
  14. Sophia26

    Graduate and Law

    Does anyone here go to either Graduate School or Law School? I was thinking about going to both but I prefer to go at the same time. I don't know if that is even remotely possible.
  15. Sophia26

    Favorite Lotion?

    I love the Bath & Body Work lotions; not only are they good for your skin making is smooth but it's makes your skin look young. They used to have Peach but discountinue it. I'm so pissed. Right now, I just use the store brought coco butter.
  16. Sophia26

    How do the people treats you differently?

    Yeah, they do that too. They don't even talk to me again if I say something to them. But why is it that they get a little jealous or envy when they see us talk to other people? I mean, if they won't say s**t to me, why should I say s**t to them?
  17. Sophia26

    How do the people treats you differently?

    Hearing people look at me like I'm a alien and don't ackwoledge(sic) me at all. They just ingore me and go about their business.
  18. Sophia26

    Love really is a drug

    Nothing wrong with a little love.
  19. Sophia26

    Hearing people suck (well not really)

    One of the main reason why I don't work in Retail or anything releate to customer services. But you encounter people like that all the time, that chose to be ignorant. What I do is act stupid and crazy and it's just freak them out. I have a good laugh about it later.
  20. Sophia26

    New Hearing Aid Mold

    I've never had that experiences. I don't see the point of getting a hearing test in order to get a new mold.