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  1. Sophia26

    Deaf students have difficult time with English tests

    The problems lies at home and not specifically target at deaf children but children who don't speak english at all. Parents need to encourage their children to read and write english at home as well as ASL, Spanish, Japenese etc etc.
  2. Sophia26

    I finally got a JOB!

    Good for you. :) Can you help a sista out?
  3. Sophia26

    If you won a lot of money....

    My sister providing that she divorce her no good husband
  4. Sophia26

    I'm going to have a new baby :)

    Congrats to you.
  5. Sophia26

    Name One Thing....

    One thing I don't like about men is that they are Flakes. They aren't clear about what they want and sending out mixed messages.
  6. Sophia26


  7. Sophia26

    What are u doing on Labor Day?

    Nothing, just staying home and watch tv. I have to go shopping at the 99cent store and stock up on some food.
  8. Sophia26

    gMail accounts

    Don't know. All I know is that if Gmail has a POP server than I can access it.
  9. Sophia26

    What kind of wedding did you have(or are you going to have)?

    Here's my Dream wedding: The wedding will take place outside on a hill or someplace where there are green grass and there will be an overhead whatchamicallit with white flowers and lace to get marry under. Will invite family and friends which should be over 200 people 'cause girlfriend...
  10. Sophia26

    to deaf women

    I have yet to date a deaf man. Anyone interested??
  11. Sophia26

    Meeting someone on line and having sex

    I have yet to meet someone online and to have a "relationship" with them however I have met a few guys online for some quicky sex.
  12. Sophia26

    Sex on first date?

    I don't put out till the third date.
  13. Sophia26

    gMail accounts

    What's so cool about Gmail anyway? If I can access it through my sodapop wireless account on my cell phone, then I'll be giddy. I would like to try it if anyone has an invite to spare.
  14. Sophia26

    Casting: "The Greenbelt Project"

    The Greenbelt Project": a student short about a deaf young girl and boy who are the first to undergo a horrific procedure that makes them hearing. Adam Hattler, a hearing boy whose mother Dr. Hattler who founded the procedure that make deaf people hearing has an ulterior motive. Adam who was...
  15. Sophia26

    Casting Call - Los Angles, CA

    Casting "The Vagina Monologues" for a Stage Directing Class. Must be familiar with the monologue "My Angry Vagina"; will perform this piece in front of a class, so must be comfortable. Two Females; one will be performing and one will do voiceover. Must know and understand American Sign...
  16. Sophia26

    The Power of the breasts

    You're nuts. LOL
  17. Sophia26

    Wasn't sure where this belongs- SSI/SSA

    Have you applied for General Relief? You should go to your local social services office and applied. If you are approved, then they will give you food stamps and a montly stipend for 6 months until you find a job.
  18. Sophia26

    For Women: Make Up

    My skin is so blotchy and weird. I usually use Clear and Clear products. I use to wear Black Opal Products for black women but since the stores in the LA area don't carry them (chances are I have to go across town or something to find it); I just stick to Covergirl and Jane. Target, RiteAids...
  19. Sophia26


    Well, there were time when I had to hitchhike home so don't knock it people.
  20. Sophia26

    Friends with benefits --

    Yes and No. If the person makes it clear before hand, then there won't be a problem.