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  1. Sophia26

    America is losing religion more and more everyday.

    Non Discriminatory Discrimination
  2. Sophia26

    America is losing religion more and more everyday.

    How losing Respect? This really bothers me a lot. I don't understand why now more than ever people are having this so-called "self rightousness moral god" egotism that exists. Don't be mistaken; I'm all for people having their own views, opinions and beliefs however; I don't beleive they...
  3. Sophia26

    Controversal Topic - John Titor

    I'll be dead by then.
  4. Sophia26

    Congratulations Winners!

    Congrats to all. I do have one complaint: I'm on PT and wouldn't be able to have a chance to particpate in the contest when it was open at 8pm ET; it would be have 5pm PT. I think in the future it should be an all day event.
  5. Sophia26

    Some Abstinence Programs Mislead Teens, Report Says

    Parents are letting the schools raise their children and yet they become angry at the school for telling the kids the wrong things. Parents need to have frank talk about sex with their children.
  6. Sophia26

    CNN Crossfire's Ann Coulter Ridicules Canada

    Ann Coulter is a whack Job. I don't pay any attention to her.
  7. Sophia26

    How Popular Is Your Name? :)

    Sophia - Means: Wisdom Decade Popularity Rank 1900's--201 1910's--227 1920's--369 1930's--700 1940's--908 1950's--768 1960's--461 1970's--458 1980's--248 1990's--154 I really don't like my name simply because I can't pronounce it correctly.
  8. Sophia26

    Do you own a DVD player??????

    I do not own a dvd player. I just don't have the money to spend right now or ever. I'll stick with my vcr and cheap video for now.
  9. Sophia26

    Books and other items for sale.

    I don't have anyone to try them on, so I wouldn't know
  10. Sophia26

    Books and other items for sale.

    Items for Sale Books in good condition with some wear and tear. I accept Money Order and Cash (AYOR). All items will be send by media mail. S/H included in price. Paperback: Alien 3 $0.50 Paint Her Face Dead $0.50 Advanced Sex Tips for Girls $2.00 Bridget Jones Diary $2.00...
  11. Sophia26

    Oujia Board

    OK, your post did not make sense to me. I get what you were saying not to use but huh!?
  12. Sophia26

    Who have you met????

    No one
  13. Sophia26

    Deaf have strong opinions based on

    Both, you'll have the best of both worlds
  14. Sophia26

    Who's going to CSUN?

    Not me but I live in the area, don't I count? I would love to meet other deaf students; I'm so lonely :(
  15. Sophia26

    Teaching ASL

    Can anyone direct me to a resource where I can download ASL alphabet and grammarical phrases and such? I'm teaching a fellow students ASL.
  16. Sophia26

    Let's Talk MORAL VALUES

    Fuck Morals. Morals ain't going to pay my bills or put food on the tables.
  17. Sophia26

    Ads Back Schwarzenegger for President

    They change the constitution once every decade. Look like the time is right...
  18. Sophia26

    House Changes Rules to Protect DeLay

    Can you say Hypocrite? The republicans had these rules in place because they were pissed of the fact that they were two democrates back in the days that had to keep their jobs despite the fact they there were charge with scandalous shit.
  19. Sophia26

    For driver's license, Louisiana boys must register for the draft(More backdoor draft)

    It's nice to see that they're preparing these kids for war instead of college. You think they would have at least let them finish high school...
  20. Sophia26

    Why everyone against Bush?

    Despite the fact he ran up a billion debt that our children is going to keep paying for for the rest of their lives.