Search results

  1. Sophia26

    Michael Jackson Verdict! To Be Read 4.45pm Est Today!

    Now who's making generalization here...I don't have time to dice them into groups but LA, Imperial are liberal; Orange, Riverside and San Diego are Conservative. You should know when the media reported that one of the juror was laughing at one of the witnesses testimony. It was not guilty...
  2. Sophia26

    Anyone going to CSUN?

    Believe it or not that's actually true.
  3. Sophia26

    Im Back,,, From a third ban. A long, Long!! Long!!! Ban that is

    you were ban? hadn't notice...welcome back (I think) :p
  4. Sophia26

    Population number

    Wtf?! Check the attutide please. Thank you kuifje75. I'm really curious because I know of DC, Rochester and SF but California isn't on the list since I'm in Northridge.
  5. Sophia26


    I would like to have a Memories Page where the most common questions ask on the form are saved and referenced. That way people can just look there for the answer. Also, Have a form called "The Best of AllDeaf" which has the most funniest, serious, mind-numbing, crazy, insane posts of all...
  6. Sophia26

    Population number

    Can anyone tell me what is the percentage of Deaf People living in Washington D.C. and in New York? Is it over 50% or just below that?
  7. Sophia26


    Anyone here from Maryland? I want to apply for VR when I get back to MD however I don't know if they will consider me since I will be a college graduate. Can anyone direct me to the right place?
  8. Sophia26

    VHS/DVD Items for Sale

    I can't find the edit button Nine Inch Nails DVD has been SOLD.
  9. Sophia26

    Combs to Pay $21,000 a Month Child Support

    Hylton-Brim is a fashion stylist and she has her own clothing line for those naysayers who assumed that she doens't work for a living. P. Diddy doesn't mind shelling out big bucks for lavish parties, cars and all the bling bling but grips when it comes to providing for his child. Hello.... His...
  10. Sophia26

    AD Caucus Costs...

    I've been out of touch, can someone post a link with all the information..
  11. Sophia26

    VHS/DVD Items for Sale

    Long time no see... Yeah, I'm moving back to Maryland and I need to get these items out. I need the extra cash for bus fare to the airport. I accept only Paypal. Shipping is included in price. VHS Tapes in Great Excellent Condition. $25.50 for the whole thing. If you want them...
  12. Sophia26

    New Job and moving!!

    Good luck and congrats!
  13. Sophia26

    A wonderful new about Prince Charles & Camilla

    When I watched their wedding, even than I knew diana was too hot for him. They should have never gotten marry in the first place or at least let some other woman put up with his ugly ass. This marriage will be made upon a dead woman's grave. Screw them both.
  14. Sophia26

    *sigh* i gotta another bad news

    Sorry :(
  15. Sophia26

    I got a Beautiful Engagement Ring on Valentine's Day !

    I hate you ;) Congrats sweetie!!
  16. Sophia26

    is it fair to call blacks "african americans"?

    It's just PC. doesn't matter what you called me black or AA, just don't call me by that another name and I won't have to kick some ass.
  17. Sophia26

    This is why i have no respect for law enforcement agencies.

    At least they're turning away from the beatdowns. Oh, wait they aren't....
  18. Sophia26

    Need Help.

    Anyone in the Los Angeles area or knows someone who lives in the LA area; I'm looking for three people (one Female, two Males) to cast in my new student film. This film will be sign in ASL and am looking desperatly. Shooting is to start next Month. Please help! Thanks.
  19. Sophia26

    How many kids you want?

    No kids for me.
  20. Sophia26

    Ikea! Ikea! Ikea!

    Canopy Bed. Enough said.