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  1. Tuscany

    Deaf child hears for the first time

    They probably don't need to sign.. Without my hearing aids I can still understand everything my parents say. I don't think they're NOT willing to learn sign language, they learn it at first and then it just peters out over time cos it's not needed in some cases.
  2. Tuscany

    Deaf child hears for the first time

    Yes, but it doesn't help by acting the same way, does it? The deaf culture should show they're better than that.
  3. Tuscany

    Deaf child hears for the first time

    Rubella..I didn't know that. I don't mean to attack anybody, I just get annoyed at stuff like this since my parents were attacked for choosing oralism instead of sign language for me. The Deaf Culture in Britain back then were... hateful towards hearing people. They had an elevated sense...
  4. Tuscany

    Deaf child hears for the first time

    Technology and medical science has improved since you were born, just gonna say that. I am interested to know how did the medical professionals know you were deaf before you were born? They didn't know I was gonna be deaf..
  5. Tuscany

    Deaf child hears for the first time

    Then that's your parents decision and that should be respected. I'm glad it's worked for you, I really am. But it doesn't give you the right to attack other parents for making their decisions for their child.
  6. Tuscany

    Deaf child hears for the first time

    Blindness isn't the end of the world, but I would for sure do everything possible to avoid being blind. Edit - Besides you're letting your pride of being deaf cloud your judgement on parents opting for cochlear implants. The surgery is essentially brain surgery, I'm sure the parents would weigh...
  7. Tuscany

    Deaf child hears for the first time

    There is nothing wrong with wanting to give your child the best chance in life, if that includes cochlear or nerve implants or whatever, they're well within their rights to make that choice for their child. It really annoys me when deaf people accuse these parents of child abuse, that's really...
  8. Tuscany

    Who is single here?

    Tell me about it, too many strange people too.:shock:
  9. Tuscany

    Who is single here?

    Been single for over a year now! Enjoyed it at first, but now it's boring.. Sick of bars now.
  10. Tuscany

    thoughs on deaf/hearing relationships?

    I'm not trying to patronise you.. It just seems that your painting every deaf/hearing couple under the same brush. How do you know that they're "faking" their relationship? You're not there with them behind closed doors.
  11. Tuscany

    Human intelligence slowly declining

    Social Intelligence is being affected too.. by facebook. Kids these days are not gaining the proper social skills that we all learn through face to face conversation. They keep chatting each other up over facebook and having "Fb marriage" without actually ever talking to each other in person. I...
  12. Tuscany

    Hangover Cure

    Have a fry-up in the morning, you'll feel like vomiting while eating it but trust me, after half an hour you'll feel right as rain. ;)
  13. Tuscany

    Who likes tattoo? do u have any?

    I got one on my back two years and I've been wanting another one ever since. Something like a sleeve on my right arm, still can't decide on the design though.
  14. Tuscany

    Anyone else get Depression because of HOH?

    Hmm, it's about time I got into the deaf culture properly isn't it? It's a difficult one, I have virtually no experience of the culture. Starting from afresh here..
  15. Tuscany

    thoughs on deaf/hearing relationships?

    Ouch, sounds like you had a bad experience in the past. I don't think anyone should completely avoid a hearie/deaf relationship, in my opinion it's an new experience for you to try out. You might like it, you might not.
  16. Tuscany

    Anyone else get Depression because of HOH?

    Erm I don't think we have a term for when we "finish" an apprenticeship, it's just simply moving on into employment.
  17. Tuscany

    Anyone else get Depression because of HOH?

    That's creepy.. You just described everything I'm going through now. I don't think I truly understand the deaf culture since I've always been mainstream. As stupid as it sounds I've always tried to "hide" my disability by not asking people to repeat what they said or not asking someone to...
  18. Tuscany

    Anyone else get Depression because of HOH?

    I live in the UK, and there is a huge social stigma about depression and mental health. I've been feeling low for nearly 6 months now, my motivation and confidence is draining away and I can't get help for it. I went to the doctors about it and they just suggest anti-depressants which I'll...
  19. Tuscany

    Anyone else get Depression because of HOH?

    I have thought about it, but I can't find much information about Deaf meets in my area other than Singing Hands, they're a group that signs in sync to music in and around shopping centres. (I'm not really into that.) I didn't think of that.. that's very true. How does Sorenson SIPRelay...
  20. Tuscany

    Anyone else get Depression because of HOH?

    I haven't exactly felt myself in the past 6 months and I think my HOH is the reason. I'll explain, I was born profoundly deaf and I never learnt sign language since I communicate orally, extremely well I might add. But life is no picnic for me, I struggle with group discussions, going to...