That is very true! We were able to trace my mother's line back to 1600's England thanks to her Catholic roots and their excellent records. Cannot say the same about my father's due to many courthouses in Georgia were burnt down during the Civil War which screwed up my research attempts to find...
If a man claims he never forgets to zip his pants..... He's lying through his teeth!
TPBM, ever face a situation where you are in a public restroom, and you realize there's no toilet paper?
It'd be a terrible idea to do laundry with just water. It's going to reek!!! I'd go to a store to get one! :-D
TPBM, what's the most exotic food you have tasted?
Oh, a tip, form a good relationship with your eye doctor by going to the annual check-up even if you think you don't need it. It's to secure a long-term commitment to keep your driver's license.
Yep, I do the same for my driver's license in Colorado by having my eye dr to file out an eye test waiver form for DMV. They ain't keeping me away from my Challenger!