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  1. nazziegirl

    Books on Deaf Culture as mentioned by AllDeaf users

    I like "Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture" by Padden and Humphries
  2. nazziegirl


    I have full canals for my hearing aids in both ears, and I prefer that to open fit. I sense the pressure in both my ears with my hearing aids in, but it does not bother me. I just feel more comfortable with that. Does anyone else prefer that who might use open fit instead?
  3. nazziegirl

    Deaf Identity When You're Not Deaf

    For a long time, I thought I was Hearing. But, I use hearing aids in both ears. I learned ASL and PSE from people in the Deaf Community. Signing is a gift that Deaf people have shared with me. I realized rather recently that I am not Hearing. I am HoH, and I don't mind saying that. A Deaf...
  4. nazziegirl

    Idk. my hoh story?

    Please do wear your hearing aids, and don't feel embarrassed. Just be yourself and people will like you for who you are. Learning how to sign can open up a whole new way of communicating and looking at the world. I did not learn to sign until I was in college, but I am glad that I did.
  5. nazziegirl


    I am thinking about whether to serve in a Deaf church or a ministry that serves Deaf people outside of a church. I would really like to find a Deaf church (of my denomination) when I go to seminary. I could get input from various people who could give me advice and help me to become a better...
  6. nazziegirl


    I am going to seminary and I want to become a chaplain someday. I would like to know: How do you all feel about a chaplain who can sign in a hospital? Or other places?
  7. nazziegirl

    People Who See Your Hearing Device In Public And Start Signing

    It's unfortunate when people see other people and then make assumptions about how they do (or do not) communicate. I use BTE's in both ears, but I use only English to communicate about 95% of the time. What really "irks" me is when people want me to sign (usually to a Christian song in a...
  8. nazziegirl

    Cochlear implant and Roller Derby

    I have a full-face BMX helmet (by Bell) that I wear if I ride a bike or go skateboarding. I can wear my BTEs under it, and I feel well protected. There are some excellent open-face helmets for skaters that cover the ears that might work for roller derby.
  9. nazziegirl


    Can someone be neither Deaf nor Hearing? Is that possible?
  10. nazziegirl

    How does one know when they are fluent in ASL?

    different questions If people you do not know ask you if you are Deaf or HOH (as opposed to asking you if you are Deaf or Hearing), then you might be pretty good at signing.
  11. nazziegirl

    hearing aids make the difference?

    I am going back to graduate school. I have accommodations for the classroom and for testing. My hearing aids help me hear so much that I am functioning very well even without using Sign. I am almost totally oral at school. I feel rather surprised and even a little shocked that I am doing as...