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    Study-Work and SSI

    Well, SSI means you are disabled and don't have much money. You have to tread this carefully because if you're disabled, can you work if you can go to school? Search the internet. Here's part of the answer from . The Social Security Administration (SSA) has no...
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    Do those of you who are HH or with a CI have tricks to understanding the world?

    :laugh2:How the heck do you see flying sparks? I think my bike has a clearance of 7.5" and where we live now, we had the front of our driveway smoothed out. I dropped it going out and comin' in. No injuries and this was pre-implant. If I looked at the sparks, I'd go down. AlleyCat: The...
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    Do those of you who are HH or with a CI have tricks to understanding the world?

    I'm glad this thread was started, AlleyCat. It has been interesting to me, too. Since CIs deal with the complexities in the brain, the results will likely be very different from one person to the other. My choice was take a very scary chance with a CI or totally be deaf. I feel like I made a...
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    Do those of you who are HH or with a CI have tricks to understanding the world?

    Most important first: There's a guy in our neighborhood who has a Ducati 1000 . I watched him rip/speed to a wide corner and spin on his bike and whip back to his house. He's in his 60s. Another slightly younger guy has a Suzuki 1300 racing bike (he also has a Corvette used as a pace car in...
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    Feeling really pissed off

    This is one of the more ridiculous things I've seen and my family is pretty dysfunctional. I do not use FaceBook for many reasons, so if my family posted a note on there and had the audacity to expect me to see it, I'd be livid. That's just really insensitive (I feel Emily Post rolling over in...
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    Stressed out over CI

    DeafDyke: I am a cynic and a good one (pat pat) because I'm very right about so many issues beyond this forum. It's not about having an inflated ego because I don't. Since two of the three approved companies are publicly held, dividends have to be produced for stockholders. This tends to...
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    Stressed out over CI

    BleedingPurist: I'm at 1.5 years of activation and I've read it could take years longer to get used to it. I'm totally aware that this is a process (I instituted process control in various depts. when I worked and it was not instantaneous, so I better know this) and I know it's not an instant...
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    Do those of you who are HH or with a CI have tricks to understanding the world?

    Doing all my replies in one post to you all and I’m starting at the bottom responses and working my way back up. jonnyghost and Lau2046: I’ve been in the background in many situations as I could tolerate. I don’t like not engaging. I’m also concerned that if I join the conversation...
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    Do those of you who are HH or with a CI have tricks to understanding the world?

    Again, thanks HOH-ME. I'll look at Angel Sounds tomorrow. I think I went there in the past and it may not support the computer I'm using. (I just went there and can't tell. I'll get in touch with them.) My audiologist gave me about four websites to try. None of them supported Apple and I...
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    Do those of you who are HH or with a CI have tricks to understanding the world?

    Hey, AlleyCat: I'm in a different position than you. While I was born with something wrong (the doctors thought I was slow - it was back in the 1950s), I was fitted by a family member with a HA when I was still in elementary school. Grades went up and life was much better but it didn't change...
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    Do those of you who are HH or with a CI have tricks to understanding the world?

    Thank you, whatdidyousay! I do ask people to repeat but I can't ask them to keep repeating because they will get annoyed. I've also used the other trick of using a different word. But I appreciate being reminded of this. Yeah, it would seem that having a conversation is too much work but I...
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    CI on head ?

    HOH-ME: It's not an infection but your conclusion and suggestion was a very logical one. It's the dang implant. I have to have my spouse take a photo of it and will post it here. Repositioning surgery sounds like a great option to explore. I'd like you guys to look first. THANKS (!!!) for...
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    Deaf/HoH Gay Community

    Holy moley, I still have it and where it belongs with my other sign language books. Having it shocks the heck out of me. It is, "Signs for Computing Technology," by Steven L. Jamison. Copyright in 1983.
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    Do those of you who are HH or with a CI have tricks to understanding the world?

    Thanks, DeafDucky: First, where are you in NC? Can you say? Love your first response. It seems like a really unique and hysterical statement. I'm sorry your vision gets in the way of lipreading. You're younger than I am since you got a HA at the age of 2. I got mine @9 or 10 years old. The...
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    Post your gas prices Part II

    $2.59 at the beginning of the week. $2.54 yesterday. $2.50 this morn. But the price of oil still doesn't match what I'm paying. Also remember that the 10% ethanol added actually uses more oil to produce than producing non-ethanol gas.
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    Psychological evaluation for CI

    ladysolitary85: I believe someone said the tests vary from place to place. Having a psychiatrist or psychologist makes sense if their questions were really meant for screening. I'm glad the place you went to had the sense to do what may have been a much more significant eval than I had. Mine...
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    Looking for new LGBT friends to skype with

    I apologize as this is off-topic but it's amazing that you're married, that it's even possible, and I'm very happy for you. I'm older and worked and fought for domestic partnership benefits in various companies and did a lot of educating of people (and wrote many letters to the ed) to show...
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    Kiearria: I was HH but now can't hear. I'm not sure why you were concerned about offending anyone. You're fine and your photo is nice - you have a bit of a glow from it (you just look happy). Just a suggestion that's relatively cheap. Going online is fine to learn ASL and you may want to...
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    Do those of you who are HH or with a CI have tricks to understanding the world?

    Here's an example of what I used to do to decipher what's said in conversation when I had naturally bad hearing (no CI at that time, just HAs). Of course, this goes without saying I read lips. 1. Counted the number of syllables. 2. Detected intonation. 3. Read body language, which is where...
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    Deaf/HoH Gay Community

    Lennaire: I thought OkCupid turned into a bogus dating site as so many others are. I'm glad and surprised it's working for you. Kudos on learning your way through ASL. I found it too confusing because the grammatical structure is so different than English.