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    Deaf, hearing relationships For you (the link). I have four or more books on signing including ASL books. The internet was faster. I was deaf to hearing (with aids) to deaf over my life. My partner is hearing who was cautioned about my loss. We kind of grew in our relationship...
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    My Activation

    Don't fret - it's 2015 and men are allowed to cry. There's no way you'd ever look like a little girl. Congrats, sonocativo. Now bowl over your family :D.
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    Hello! :)

    :cool2: :wave:
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    Officer signs on to build relationships with deaf community

    Hey, whatdidyousay! You bring up a good point but it seems small to the massive issue it could create. Except requiring officers to learn ASL in every state then sorta pushes non-ASL users out of the picture and we're out here and deaf. Do you want them to learn Spanish, too? That's just...
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    You can get fined for wearing a hoodie in Oklahoma

    This is a novel approach. Why address the underlying problem when you can make money collecting fines. This is ridiculous. What else are they going to do? It's my word (no I'm not hiding) versus someone else. On the outset (onset ...) I understand it AND people have worn hoodies for years...
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    I have to question about deaf filipino?

    I'm sorry, I can't tell you what to do because your skillset doesn't tell me what you can do - other than the three MS applications mentioned. I also can't tell if you know the product. What American and European employers look for are different. I'm not one to help you here. You may be...
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    Who will win the Super Bowl?

    Oh no ... the infamous Ravens strike again. I don't think I've ever liked them. We recorded and watched one game - Panthers/Cardinals. Newton noticeably winced a few times during the game. We didn't think he'd make it. Back surgery, ankle surgery, and a car crash ... and it showed.
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    Who will win the Super Bowl?

    lol ... they will be a contender :) and likely mow over whoever they play.
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    Publisher Book about my life

    I'm sorry about your life history and your trials and tribulations. Your last question is very important and my suggestion is, since it's legally-related, you find a lawyer who excels in this portion of law and I don't know what it is and see if you can get a free consultation and ask the...
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    Deaf sister's sister

    Wow, welcome. You have quite an important job on your hands. Best of luck to you.
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    Man shot by his dog

    I lost my pillow to my pup. But my bed is big enough for both of us. Sounds the same for you. We have two cute pups, I'm sure.
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    Man shot by his dog

    And I'm losin' it. Thanks for the photos and corrections. Here are more Pembroke Corgi photos that look like corgis as opposed to fluff balls.
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    The Ellen Show

    I agree with Lau2046. I have a friend who wrote a book years ago. I read it and I forced myself to get through it. She self-published it and she is smart but her book wasn't good or smartly written. She asked me to write a good review on her book. I couldn't write a good review because the...
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    Apple sued over iOS8 storage

    DeafDucky, I think our thinking is pretty much on par with each other and our views work together well for different reasons. I don't feel paranoid (I'm not), I know a lot of what goes on out there because I've got the experience and you do, too. I may have said this (I apologize if so). One...
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    Would anybody eat pizza in Italy?

    I can provide you with a lot of slices from different places to show you how easy it is to make yuck pizza!
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    Hello, everyone from Phoenix, Arizona!

    Yes, welcome, and what Reba said.
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    How often do you all get your hearing tested?

    Makes sense, Miaou. I'd like to say it's hard to believe an audiologist's office was so antiquated they didn't have the recorded voices but nothing is beyond belief these days. The "... say the word ..." helped prepare me for the word. In older days, I held my breath to hear it.
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    Man shot by his dog

    Tisn't a Pembroke Corgi if you're looking at the picture. That's either a Jack Russell or a Besenji (which I can't spell). If it's the latter, he won't talk (no vocal cords). Here's a corgi (of the two next to each other, one ended up with us):
  19. N

    Who will win the Super Bowl?

    When was the last time you didn't see Brady & company not cremate their opposition? Yeck, his arrogance is on his sleeve (rah - so is his disappointment) but they are damn good. Right now, they are the only team where we know if they're behind 10 points and they have 90 seconds to do it down...
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    Apple sued over iOS8 storage

    Last paragraph, deafducky: Yeah, that's what I sort of said. But since it's making the news, I have to wonder what else is behind this. We both agree the numbers are skewed due to SW but then there wouldn't be a class-action lawsuit against it. Something else is up. MS probably has a...