Search results

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    Islamic terrorists kill 12 in Paris

    Very likely but the implication is the killing continues until we've reached an even number of killings. I like Affleck a lot. He's intelligent and stands up for what he knows and fights for it.
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    SSDI cut in 2016

    Dat we do until we can't anymore. Thanks :deaf:
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    FL became the 36 state to allow same sex marriage

    :) I knew I was in a little trouble when I made frequent flights from Jersey to Jacksonville and saw the religious posters in front of my nose. But I'm still surprised ... sorta. I even asked my teammates there how Jacksonville was and they knew what I meant. It was fine but uh this is...
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    SSDI cut in 2016

    I know, Frisky Feline. I just don't know anymore what can affect change so we stop being screwed by our government. Boy, my partner and I were able to see the writing on the wall about many things but with the new Congress coming in, we saw the writing on the wall with a lot of our blood...
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    Bess Myerson, Miss America in 1945, Dies at 90

    whatdidyousay! Oh boy, the Jewish discrimination bit hits us again :) . Yep, we are different (kidding). There is an outdoor theater but I searched my brain cells for a while until suddenly ... see below. Yes, Mary Martin may have been the first Peter Pan flying around in 1954 (when I was...
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    SSDI cut in 2016

    True, Ms. Frisky Feline but who will do the funding. It's a rhetorical answer. (There's always the SS fund Congress can steal money from. Bad joke if it really is one...)
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    hard of hearing and social skills

    Who would've thunk that numbers backing up our subjective feelings could help? Not I but it does. I told my partner about all the sad stories with the consistent thread of information running through it - most of us appear to be very afraid of where our lives, due to lack of hearing or lack of...
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    Bess Myerson, Miss America in 1945, Dies at 90

    whatdidyousay!: I didn't know she was Jewish :). I read the article. I saw Peter Pan at an outdoor theater near D.C. Maybe it was it was Bess Meyerson but I'm not sure. The tab shows "Actors who played Peter Pan," and they are off a bit by beginning with Ms. Rigby - wayyyy later than when I...
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    Hello from Utah

    Aside from not having the ability to make like-friends, there are cities that aren't big if you're game enough to risk and move. But honestly, if you even think about doing this, I'd let the current Congress settle in, threaten the heck out of people and when and if that subsides, find a city...
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    SSDI cut in 2016

    Not a surprise. My quotes are from the article. To be clear, as Foxrac said above, this is not a done deal but I think we're pretty screwed and if it does, you better think about how you'll survive. Watch for this. "Rep. Sam Johnson (R-Texas), chairman of the subcommittee that oversees...
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    hard of hearing and social skills

    Otherwise ... You're not crazy and I agree with you completely.
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    hard of hearing and social skills

    I have been through the pretending thing in many different situations and I've done it a long time. After my CI, I walked the neighborhood with a neighbor. I internally flipped out because I barely understood him and on this particular walk, I didn't walk backwards to read his lips so missed...
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    FL became the 36 state to allow same sex marriage

    Wow, that's cool. I searched for Lauri Fry gay rights and it landed right on him and them. I had no clue about Hugh and obviously didn't know about Fry. They don't look gay :) . Thanks!
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    Cheap oil is killing my job

    Fracking and using all the chemicals that we'd get in our drinking water will add more poisons to our poisoned systems. The fight is to keep it going and I have enough issues between living close to a nuclear power plant and now a coal burning plant. So you get screwed because the President...
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    Hello from Kansas! Wanting to learn more about the community

    I'm sorry your doctor said it was a nasty hearing lost and it sure sounds better than a hearing impairment. I assume the doctor went into a little more detail than that maybe later? I hope!
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    FL became the 36 state to allow same sex marriage

    Thanks for being understanding, caz12. It has been a long and confusing road for many people (with lots of headaches):aw:. America is far behind EU in many ways. One country with one law? Sounds too miraculous for these times. Yes again, FL is allowing gay marriage and we fall under most of...
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    Bold New Law Would Prohibit Those with DUI’s From Even BUYING Alcohol

    Can we just copy and paste this reminder to all other threads that suggest we do more with what we don't have or what the Koch Bros. and Washington has. I'd call this rhetorical and unfortunately it's the crux of so many issues (real or made up issues).
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    I have to question about deaf filipino?

    geli1988: My suggestion, since you have internet access, is to check out Gallaudet (assuming you know what it is). People can guide you but there's so much lacking here that I feel like we're guiding you in the dark. You're interested in Europe and the U.S. and you can maybe use three MS...
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    FL became the 36 state to allow same sex marriage

    Let me try to explain this. FL and 35 other states recognize gay marriages. This means that gays and lesbians can marry and be recognized in those states and recognized by the federal government. So, I can marry and file tax returns like anyone else. There are a lot of other things...
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    Hello from Kansas! Wanting to learn more about the community

    This one is easier! Yes, keep your info (surname, etc.) off here :) . It's a safer way to operate on the internet. (Background - too many years in InfoTech.)