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  1. N

    Islamic terrorists kill 12 in Paris

    Why is this unbelievable? North Korea (theory only dang it) got Sony and told them not to release their satirical film. Sony bent to the demands initially and you know the rest of the story.
  2. N

    Islamic terrorists kill 12 in Paris

    Would you wake me up when we know the true story and minor-changing data only? It flips me to constantly see updates and changes just to keep us tuned in so the media can make its advertising dollars.
  3. N

    SSDI cut in 2016

    Ya mean this: ? I was concerned you were a die hard Patriots (Brady ugh and he's damn good) fan. Just say it ain't so. (Not really unrelated but important.)
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    SSDI cut in 2016

    Hold me back. It's hard walking that fine line between political and not political. I dislike politics, so hopefully I don't infringe on it. If my reading and conclusions are correct, this is just another scare tactic by the GOP and likely and better hidden, the DNC. What y'all are saying is...
  5. N

    Islamic terrorists kill 12 in Paris

    When do we stop not believing in what we're being told as the gospel truth? There is no truth in advertising or the media (perhaps a modicum) but only in selected areas. The remaining brothers are going to have to go very much underground in Paris. I know (Vacationguy?) said it's a small city...
  6. N

    SSDI cut in 2016

    Thank you Foxrac for explaining that remark. I would've had to look it up :) !
  7. N

    Islamic terrorists kill 12 in Paris

    Reba: You hit some nails directly on the head. 1) Until we know what the truth is (or as close to it as you're going to get), the media will provide fodder to the asses - true or false - to keep us watching. 2) Last night as I was settling down, a viable and feasible couple of lines came...
  8. N

    A Techie Thread About Absolutely Nothing!

    I thought Gateway died 15+ years ago! We used them at a company that did software pushes to I don't remember how many different computers (we even used OS/2 Warp and ick ... Novell). The final Gateway product was really great but initially they were sucky because you never knew what product...
  9. N

    Why are you deaf?

    Bottesini: Ah, I looked up the first word and the inability to get rid of the dead red blood cells makes sense combined with the neurotoxicity sounds horrible. Thanks much for answering.
  10. N

    Would you pay for membership to get good deals online?

    What what... said - No! We use Groupons but we don't pay for a membership and I never would.
  11. N

    Pics of you - Part V

    My hair is longer and a bit more grey now but I think this depicts the part of me I like the best... a bit of a prankster and I used similar photos (w/a leather jacket on) on my resume - without that particular grin. Timestamp is wrong on it. It's about 3.5 years older than the present time.
  12. N

    Only for Deaf (as in always) - Can you understand music?

    Folks: This applies only to those who were likely deaf in the womb. Can you understand music in any way? Like do you know what a musical scale would be or what a rhythm or perhaps more difficult, a melody is? When I went to a concert at the Freemont School for the Deaf in CA, (husband of a...
  13. N

    Why are you deaf?

    Congenital and bi-lateral otosclerosis sensori-neural loss. All bones (except stapes' footplate to oval window) replaced with a myriad of "things." Massive ear infections (I remember the pain still) that went on too long. I'll never make this ... I had a gamma-gobulin deficiency that...
  14. N

    Why are you deaf?

    We all have our issues and yours (assuming you are a "sir") well just yikes!!! Got a little explanation from my partner but she couldn't put it all together. She does cranio-sacral therapy, taught anatomy & physiology I & II, and knows medical stuff; I do not. So, the cord was wrapped around...
  15. N

    The Ellen Show

    whatdidyousay! One person's ostensibly stupid comment isn't going to change one's mind about a book. It will, however, make the commenter look stoopid (har har). As a potential buyer, I'd ignore that comment and that's the reality of reviews and what I have to do now when looking at product...
  16. N

    The Ellen Show

    Howdy again. I apparently misspelled a word in one of my comments to you. But I'm leaning over to read my screen, so we'll forgive my more frequent typos these days. I have the book in front of me. It says, "Uncorrected Galley" on the cover on a white-sticky label. What does that mean...
  17. N

    SSDI cut in 2016

    I like this. PowerOn asked if Bush paid back the money he stole. Here is just one article, I'd have to do searching for more if you'd like it. Read the article or the snippets I left for you. This is what I was saying in a thread yesterday that rightfully was cleaned up but it is appropriate...
  18. N

    SSDI cut in 2016

    Right. There is doctor fraud but it's only part of the equation. I saw two messing with the system and they were caught and I'm just one person. But again the dopes in Washington created this system and it's a bad one and they likely don't care.
  19. N

    SSDI cut in 2016

    Foxrac: Would you clarify this statement: "It looks like disability reviewing board need to tighten up and possibly require anyone to see a doctor that SS provided instead of let anyone to find doctors whatever they want." You're writing about the review board, so it seems like you mean go...
  20. N

    Islamic terrorists kill 12 in Paris

    The security is so high there that pulling off another well-coordinated, planned attack is highly dubious. I traveled to Israel (Europe, Greece, and Israel) in 1970. Bombs were going off near enough to us so I could hear (and feel) them. The major cities were well guarded. I remember the...