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  1. N

    Stressed out over CI

    Let me clarify. I've seen the patterns and it doesn't make me correct. You have a lot of experience x2 (with your husband) and you state what's on your mind but you have what I see as a lot of gentleness in you. In that gentleness comes some quietness.
  2. N

    Problems with cochlear implant

    Would you show us where you see the results of the children born deaf? I'm not challenging you but to believe this, I'd like to see the source. This may be a game-changer to me if true and I'll support your statement. -- Deaf children born to hearing people may very well have their parents...
  3. N

    Stressed out over CI

    Well, I can say as a CI user with my experience that on the internet and is misinformation but also with my own, sounds are horrible. I do like hearing Ziva (rat) chew her rat pellet by my cochlear implant. It's a new sound and I like it but I can't live processing sounds like this, as cute as...
  4. N

    Stressed out over CI

    I'm confused because you're stating the obvious. And, my example is with what happened to my college friend and me. If ya can't hear then get a HA or CI, life is new. Your results will be different from a hearing person (in both cases). Duh? (No slugging, please.) Okay, I have to take my...
  5. N

    Stressed out over CI

    Yes, ma'am. You're typically pretty quiet and not responsive here with some exceptions. When you write, I better keep it in mind. But, ma'am, AlleyCat and I are pretty much in synch and agreement about the same things.
  6. N

    Stressed out over CI

    Hey! I can actually respond to this with some facts of my own. In 1972-73. I'm in my first year of college. I meet a girl my age and she has a nerve-centered hearing loss. She never met anyone who wore a HA before her age. I didn't know it then or didn't hear her say it. So, fast forward...
  7. N

    Stressed out over CI

    AlleyCat: I've seen the go to deaf school and tended to fly by it. I'm not going and they've always been near where I lived. I ain't goin'. Wiki is dangerous to use but it's a bit better (I admitted quoting it with caution to others). I also think, correct me if I'm wrong, that we tend to...
  8. N

    Stressed out over CI

    Another combination thread to folks. Saves on the number of postings. Kurenai: You began this thread and you may be getting tired of the massive amount of information here. I’m sorry if it’s an issue. Try Meetup for local groups. I would suggest (I feel BleedingPurist saying the...
  9. N

    Stressed out over CI

    BleedingPurist: The science in the implants is not exact. Until it is, it will change (“facts change” became my mantra in my last year of college). That’s why the work, research programs, and continuing updates to correct errors with them. And, they have a product to sell at a heck of an...
  10. N

    Totally new to sign language!!

    There's sometimes polarizing between deaf and Deaf and it appears to be happening here. I said that I learned sign (and I've worked with Deaf and deaf people) because I loved watching the interpreters for singers like Sweet Honey and the Rock, Holly Near, etc. It lead me to learn sign and I...
  11. N

    Totally new to sign language!!

    Kudos to you, VA Bowbender. I remember going into a store probably about 15 years ago and I asked a woman for help with something. I thought I was being ignored (as I've been accused of doing in my youth (lol ... my early 20s) - I couldn't hear well). I rapidly realized the woman was Deaf...
  12. N

    Totally new to sign language!!

    Megan, assuming you are still here, I think your goal is notable and shows a lovely strength in you. My partner's great grandnephew is now 2 years old. His mom taught him bits of sign language a while ago. It gave M a fabulous outlet and he's communicating better now with a lot less...
  13. N

    Deaf/HoH Gay Community

    Anything that makes you happy, DeafDucky, unless it goes against what I believe :) . I don't think that will be a problem with you.
  14. N

    Tinitus sufferer

    Good information. I forgot about that. The Widex digitals were recommended to a friend this year and I saw the zen bit mentioned. It's a mask (white noise). It's also a cheaper way of going rather than a CI IF they're strong enough to receive sound. But the CI does something similar in...