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  1. D

    I'm Sorry

    Correction, i am not sure if i should Stay on these forums
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    I'm Sorry

    i have had an arguement Regarding one of my posts i have made (i feel Bad for saying this) thread. I overreacted and i was being the child, i am only 18, i am autistic and have been under a Lot Stress because my mom has been in Hospital for 3 Months now and is Severly ill, i have suffered...
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    I Feel Bad For Saying This

    You were being rude to me! Just because you are deaf or hard of hearing doesn,t give you an excuse to be horrible! I,m not! You are giving deaf and hard of hearing people a ad name!
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    I Feel Bad For Saying This

    How was it rude!?
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    I Feel Bad For Saying This

    You are rude and obnoxious by carrying on arguing, I can,t tell how "rude" I am being because I am actually autistic, not that was what my post was about!
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    I Feel Bad For Saying This

    End of Discussion, i will take the Post down if you Carry on, which is a shame for those why Want to See ist, but no, i Don,t Want to others to See your pathetic arguements. Grow up Guys, its easy!
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    I Feel Bad For Saying This

    Ok i admitt reply but i refuse to argue anymore, seriously adults that Act like a Bratty toddler
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    I Feel Bad For Saying This

    I Need to say to everybody except whatdidyousay that you all Are Acting like 12 year olds Finding Little Flaws in me that don,t matter. You CAN Tell what i am saying and my Spelling is Fine for a native German. Grow up, i have Never Seen such childish adults in my life. At least im Mature unlike...
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    I Feel Bad For Saying This

    No i don,t have hearing aids, i den,t mind ONE swear Word als Long als its in context and thirdly Bottesini why am i being Creepy, i am just Stating my opinion. You Know what, its dejavu from School where the immature Kids make Pathetik Arguments on purpose, i have Said my bit and i won, t...
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    I Feel Bad For Saying This

    Dogmom i am not Meaning to be rude but your Comment is Aragent and you Are assuming that i have "Poor me!" Attitude, you Don,t Know me to make that judgement. I am not hard Done by, i am Clearly Stating that i hate swearing and i have anxiety so i always think they Are swearing and insulting...
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    I Feel Bad For Saying This

    At least whatdidyousay has Read my Post thoughly, no offence to the others who Posted. I was writing to complain how what i seem to Hear is Bad Stuff like swearing, insults and Depressing People and also how i feel i have the wrong ears Regarding how much i Can hear (e.g i feel i should be more...
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    I Feel Bad For Saying This

    i am mildly hard of hearing but i feel like i am not hard of hearing enough because i have excepted it and i feel like its not me being ONLY hard of hearing. Since i have also have audority Processing disorder as well, i feel like i am not supposed to be hearing and that i am trapped with the...
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    Anyone Heard Of Caption Tree?

    Wow i will Try that later
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    Youtube Automatic Captions/subtitles Make No Sense

    sometimes i Can get decent Subtitles and it fits, but everytime the automatic Subtitles come up when i am Watching a youtube Video the sentences they come up with make no Sense as if they Are randomly stringing Words together. Has anyone Else experienced this Frustrating Problem? Has anyone...
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    What Is Deaf Awareness Week?

    Hey i Can Google it but i Want to Know Personally from you Guys that have Joined Deaf Culture Since i am new to DC.
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    What Is Deaf Awareness Week?

    what Happens during it? What Do you Guys Do for DAW? When is it? :dunno: It Sounds interesting
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    I Learnt My First Bsl Signs

    I am so proud, i Can now sign the Alphabet and a Few Phrases, colours and so on. I was the only Person in the Health and Social Course so i requested to the Tutor wo Said i Could Chose what to learn about, i picked BSL and we practised and learnt Some new signs. Did you feel proud when you...
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    Could Anyone Buddy Up With Me And Teach Me Some British Sign Language

    hi Everyone, i,m new here and i just Wandered how Can you Teach sign Language on this Forum, Do you Post a Video of yourself signing? Also i Hope someone Can be my BSL partner Or partners
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    Could Everyone Introduce Themselves

    i Know i already did a Intro Thread but i Wanted to get to Know you Guys, if you all Could please Write a Little about yourselves. For example. I am hard of hearing and i Enjoy Swimming, Watching youtube and drawing. Or something like that...
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    Hello :)

    Welcome to alldeaf, dont worry noone will Bully you here. I,m new Myself, a question how much hearing Do you have?