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    Want Deaf Friends

    Hey, welcome, i am hard of hearing, 18 and Would like to be your friend. But i sign BSL
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    What Can And Can't You Hear? (redo)

    I relized this was in the wrong section, so the title explains all.
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    What Can You And What Can't You Hear?

    I am not sure, it's something to do with being deaf, where should it go? I guess so anyway... Anyway just curious...
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    What Can You And What Can't You Hear?

    title explains itself, i'll Post Mine if this Thread get's interest.
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    When Your Ears Pop

    I heard Stories of people's ears Popping and their hearing is gone.
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    When Your Ears Pop

    :hyper:It Can be scary, but does it mean your hearing is going, because every now and again, i Can feel my ears go wierd, they have a wierd Pressure feel to them and then my ears Start ringing momentarily. What the hell is this?!:hyper::ugh::wtflol: :wtf:I am Little confuzzed!
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    Do You Have Problem With Fb?

    I Know but i Chose not to be obsessed, i prefer Face to Face convos.
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    Hearing, 19 Years Old. Bsl ?!?

    Yes i have FaceTime, Do you Want to send a private Message to my Account and i will Give you Some Details.
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    I Have Both Types Of Hearing Loss

    this might not be true since it's off the Internet, but i noticed that my hearing starts around 65 Hertz and ends Around 15.559 Hertz, i noticed my hearing has got worse and it explains why my audiologist thinks i don't have a hearing Loss when i do. I find it harder to listen to men more than...
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    Do You Have Problem With Fb?

    I don't go on Facebook because of that, i started to get bored with it
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    Being Exhausted By The End Of The Day.

    A good Excuse for a nap, my dad told me that i sleep Too much, i thought to Myself "you Try and Strain to listen everyday and See if that doesn't make you feel like you ran a Marathon!" But i am best keeping my thoughts to myself.
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    Being Exhausted By The End Of The Day.

    My eyesight, seems to be getting better, but my hearing has only just been getting worse. It seems like my hearing and sight Are swapping places, haha!
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    I Had No Idea, He Could Hear Me!

    i Woke up from my nap, exhausted as Usual, According to my Brother, i Groan when i Wake up and my dad had no idea that i still Do it. My dad Woke up to ask me what Pizza i Wanted because we were ordering. He Shouted me from the Landing a Couple of Metres alway and i groaned because i just Woke...
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    Being Exhausted By The End Of The Day.

    Do any of you, hard of hearing People get really tired by mid day, i Do and get a massive headache to go with it. I end up Having to have a Nap Around 4pm for about 30-60 minutes and then by the end of the actual day at Around 9 oclock, i am so exhausted i can't Do anything, i sleep for about...
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    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    My dad is Starting to understand that i have actually have a Problem now, i think his Problem is the fact he doesn't want his "Little Girl" to have anything wrong with her. He is already going through a Lot of Stress, i can't add to his Problems, but i can't help it if i am going deaf!
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    Adjustment to late onset deafness

    I am too adjusting to late deafness, only these Last 2 weeks i have been Having Trouble understanding. I have APD and have proberly have been misdiagnosed because it's getting worse. My dad is certain in his Head, that it is just the APD and accuses me of not Listening properly and i get very...
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    Rude Bus Driver

    I can't Sign yet
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    Hearing, 19 Years Old. Bsl ?!?

    Hey i'm learning BSL , Want to Buddy up and learn with me? I am hard of hearing moderatly and have not got hearing Aids yet. My Listening Skills make up for lost hearing more than anything but i still have trouble. How do we practise signing?
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    Rude Bus Driver

    i went on a Bus to College when it came to Pay for my Ticket, i was struggling to hear the Bus driver, i must of asked him to repeat himself 3 Times. I have tried to Pay with a Note but he didn't have enough Change for me to Pay so he let me get away with it. But when i did finally get what he...
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    Hearing pretending to be deaf to avoid conversation?

    Yeah when people type that they are "profoundly dead" that always makes me laugh